Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Meal Recipes Guide

Cooking is an essential part of the game integrated into everything you do. In this guide, I will review all the meal recipes, in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Cooking comes in many outcomes and from many different appliances. From the simple kitchen oven to the sweetest desserts.

It has many uses that the player will have to use it. Sometimes quests will require it, and in others raising characters’ friendship levels will become easier by giving them things you have cooked.

Also if you want to make sure you have completed all the recipes, go into the menu, and under collectibles, there is a recipe list. It will show all the recipes you have completed, and when you completed them, so you can keep track.

If you are having trouble in general with how to manage your stamina, check out our guide on how to increase your stamina in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Pizza Oven Recipes


In order to unlock the ability to use the Pizza Oven players will need to raise the friendship level with Retsuko to level 9. Once reached players will gain the Pizza Oven station upgrade.

There are a total of 17 different Pizza recipes you will be able to acquire. Here is a complete list, along with the ingredients you will need.

  • Alfredo Pizza: Dough, Coral Milk.
  • Dessert Pizza (Candy Cloud): Dough, Candy Cloud.
  • Dessert Pizza (Sugarkelp): Dough, Sugarkelp.
  • Dessert Pizza (Swampmallow): Dough, Swampmallow.
  • Everything Pizza: Dough, Spinip, Tofu.
  • Fruit Pizza (Apple): Dough, Apple.
  • Fruit Pizza (Banana): Dough, Banana.
  • Fruit Pizza (Strawberry): Dough, Strawberry.
  • Pineapple Pizza: Dough, Pineapple.
  • Spicy Pizza (Cinna Bloom): Dough, Cinna Bloom.
  • Spicy Pizza (Magma Bloom): Dough, Magma Bloom.
  • Spinip Alfredo Pizza: Dough, Spinip, Coral Milk.
  • Toasty Pizza: Dough, Toasted Almond.
  • Tofu Pizza: Dough, Tofu.
  • Ultimate Joke Pizza: Dough, Pineapple, Tofu.
  • Veggie Pizza (Pumpkin): Dough, Pumpkin.
  • Veggie Pizza (Spinip): Dough, Spinip.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Soda Machine Recipes


In order to unlock the ability to use the Soda Machine players will need to raise the friendship level with Pekkle to level 6. Once reached players will gain the Soda Machine station upgrade.

The Soda Machine has 19 different recipes players will be able to create. Here is a complete list, along with the ingredients you will need.

  • Apple Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Apple.
  • Banana Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Banana.
  • Cream Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Coral Milk.
  • Fiery Soda (Cinna Bloom): Fizzy Crystal, Cinna Bloom.
  • Fiery Soda (Magma Bloom): Fizzy Crystal, Magma Bloom.
  • Fiery Soda (Toasted Almond): Fizzy Crystal, Toasted Almond.
  • Joke Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Tofu.
  • Pineapple Lava Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Pineapple, Magma Bloom.
  • Pochacco Energy Pop: Fizzy Crystal, Tofu, Spinip.
  • Pumpkin Spice Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Pumpkin, Cinna Bloom.
  • Sakura Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Sakura.
  • Strawberry Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Strawberry.
  • Surprising Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Spinip, Toasted Almond.
  • Swampy Soda (Spinip): Fizzy Crystal, Spinip.
  • Swampy Soda (Pumpkin): Fizzy Crystal, Pumpkin.
  • Sweet Soda (Candy Cloud): Fizzy Crystal, Candy Cloud.
  • Sweet Soda (Sugarkelp): Fizzy Crystal, Sugarkelp.
  • Sweet Soda (Swampmallow): Fizzy Crystal, Swampmallow.
  • Tropical Soda: Fizzy Crystal, Pineapple.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Oven recipes


In order to unlock the ability to use the Oven players will need to raise the friendship level with Hello Kitty to level 2. Once reached players will gain the Sous Chef ability unlocked.

The Oven has 21 different recipes players will be able to create. Here is a complete list, along with the ingredients you will need.

  • Almond Pound Cake: Flour, Candy Cloud, Toasted Almond.
  • Beignets with Pineapple Dip: Flour, Candy Cloud, Pineapple.
  • Chocolate Balls: Flour, Chocolate Coin.
  • Cinnamon Bread (Cinna Bloom): Flour, Cinna Bloom.
  • Cinnamon Bread (Magma Bloom): Flour, Magma Bloom.
  • Cinnamon Roll: Flour, Candy Cloud, Cinna Bloom.
  • Macaron: Flour, Toasted Almond.
  • Mama’s Apple Pie: Flour, Apple.
  • Milk Bread: Flour, Coral Milk.
  • Pastry: Flour, Candy Cloud.
  • Pineapple Stack Cake: Flour, Pineapple.
  • Pumpkin Pie: Flour, Pumpkin.
  • Red Bow Apple Pie: Flour, Apple, Magma Bloom.
  • Sakura Cake: Flour, Sakura.
  • Spooky Cake: Flour, Swampmallow, Pumpkin.
  • Strawberry Almond Galette: Flour, Toasted Almond, Strawberry.
  • Strawberry Shortcake: Flour, Strawberry.
  • Sugarkelp Cake: Flour, Sugarkelp.
  • Tofu Bread: Flour, Tofu.
  • Veggie Bread: Flour, Spinip.
  • Volcano Cake: Flour, Chocolate Coin, Magma Bloom.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Espresso Machine recipes


In order to unlock the ability to use the Soda Machine players will need to raise the friendship level with Hangyodon to level 4. Once reached players will gain the Espresso Machine station upgrade.

The Espresso Machine has 16 different recipes players will be able to create. Here is a complete list, along with the ingredients you will need.

  • Candied Banana Coffee: Candlenut, Banana, Candy Cloud.
  • Cappuccino: Candlenut, Coral Milk.
  • Chai (Cinna Bloom): Candlenut, Cinna Bloom.
  • Chai (Magma Bloom): Candlenut, Magma Bloom.
  • Chocolate Chai (Cinna Bloom): Candlenut, Chocolate Coin, Cinna Bloom.
  • Chocolate Chai (Magma Bloom): Candlenut, Chocolate Coin, Magma Bloom.
  • Hot Cocoa: Candlenut, Chocolate Coin, Coral Milk.
  • Mocha: Candlenut, Chocolate Coin.
  • Pink Latte (Strawberry): Candlenut, Strawberry.
  • Pink Latte (Sakura): Candlenut, Sakura.
  • Purple Latte: Candlenut, Spinip.
  • Spicy Pumpkin Latte: Candlenut, Pumpkin, Cinna Bloom.
  • Sweet Latte (Candy Cloud): Candlenut, Candy Cloud.
  • Sweet Latte (Sugarkelp): Candlenut, Sugarkelp.
  • Sweet Latte (Swampmallow): Candlenut, Swampmallow.
  • Toasted Almond Coffee: Candlenut, Toasted Almond.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: All Desert recipes


In order to unlock the ability to use the Soda Machine players will need to raise the friendship level with Pompompurin to level 4. Once reached players will start the Story Quest: Dessert-ed Boat.

There are 18 different recipes players will be able to create. Here is a complete list, along with the ingredients you will need.

  • Apple Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Apple.
  • Banana Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Banana.
  • Boulder Bits Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Chocolate Coin, Swampmallow.
  • Chocolate Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Chocolate Coin.
  • Chocolate Pineapple Pudding: Cactus Cream, Pineapple, Chocolate Coin.
  • Cinna Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Cinna Bloom.
  • Magma Pudding: Cactus Cream, Magma Bloom.
  • Mama’s Pudding: Cactus Cream, Banana, Coral Milk.
  • Pink Clouds Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Candy Cloud, Sakura.
  • Pudding: Cactus Cream, Coral Milk.
  • Pumpkin Pudding: Cactus Cream, Pumpkin.
  • Purple Pudding: Cactus Cream, Spinip.
  • Sakura Pudding: Cactus Cream, Sakura.
  • Strawberry Ice Cream: Cactus Cream, Strawberry.
  • Sweet Pudding (Candy Cloud): Cactus Cream, Candy Cloud.
  • Sweet Pudding (Sugarkelp): Cactus Cream, Sugarkelp.
  • Sweet Pudding (Swampmallow): Cactus Cream, Swampmallow.
  • Tofu Pudding: Cactus Cream, Tofu.

Final Thoughts

There are a vast variety of recipes to try and create. You will make so many different things, you may even find something you would be willing to try yourself.

If you have trouble raising friendships with certain characters, then check out our gift guide on the best gifts for each character in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

With all the meal recipes laid out for Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you are ready to let out your inner chef. Let us know in the comments down below, which meal recipe is your favorite to make.


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