Halls of Torment: Best Sorceress Build

Today, we’re talking about the Sorceress in Halls of Torment. She’s a glass cannon extraordinaire, ready to zap her way to victory – assuming you can keep her alive long enough.

In this guide, I will help you do just that with the best Sorceress build in Halls of Torment showcasing the best traits, abilities, and items you should prioritize.

If you like being the high-damage superstar with the survivability of a soap bubble, the Sorceress is your girl. Her default attack is a lightning beam that slices through enemies like butter, sometimes hitting several targets at once.

She’s unlocked after you’ve defeated 10,000 enemies in the Forgotten Viaduct – a task that sounds harder than it is once you get the hang of the game.

But don’t let her power fool you. She’s as fragile as your Wi-Fi connection during a thunderstorm, so building her correctly is non-negotiable. Let’s break it down.

Note: If you’re interested in trying a different class, check out our best shield maiden build in Halls of Torment.

Sorceress Starting Stats

The Sorceress has exceptional offensive stats, but extremely poor defensive stats. She is the glass cannon mage character. Here are all of the Sorceress’ starting stats:

HP Regen0.0/s
Block Strength0%
Attack Speed0.5/s
Critical Hit Chance10%
Critical Hit Damage200%
Movement Speed5.6m/s
XP Gain100%
Pickup Range3.0m

Based on those stats, let’s examine the best Sorceress build that utilizes everything to its full potential.

Best Sorceress Traits in Halls of Torment


Every time you level up, you’ll get to choose from random traits. RNG can be cruel, so keep your priorities straight: go for traits that increase attack speed, damage, and movement speed.

When it comes to traits, you want to prioritize the following ones on Sorceress:

  • Quick Hands: 8% faster attack
  • Strength: 10% more damage
  • Swift Feet: 9% greater movement speed
  • Collateral Damage: 8% increased area of damage
  • Dedication (Nimble): 9% increased movement speed and +20 to health

Let me repeat what I said, to make sure you fully understand it: Forget anything defensive like block strength. You’re not here to tank hits. Play like you’re allergic to getting touched – kiting is your friend when playing the sorceress in Halls of Torment.

Best Sorcerer Abilities in Halls of Torment


As for Abilities, the best ones for the Sorcerer are the following:

  • Lightning Strike: Randomly zaps enemies, stuns them, and applies electrify. Perfect for crowd control.
  • Dragon’s Breath: Emits a wave of fire in the direction you’re facing. The fire has a high chance to set enemies ablaze.

When upgrading your abilities, similar to Traits, avoid any Defense or Block Strength upgrades, and prioritize damage, range, and attack speed.

Best Sorcerer Items in Halls of Torment

This is where the magic happens (pun intended). Equip the following to transform your Sorceress into a one-woman apocalypse:

  • Blood-Soaked Shirt: Killing an enemy has a 3% chance of giving you 1 health point.
  • Ring of Fire: Converts your main attack to fire and adds a 20% chance to set enemies on fire. Hot stuff.
  • Quickhand Gloves: +20% Attack Speed
  • Collar of Confidence: +5% damage for each enemy in your pickup range. The maximum is 50%
  • Copper Ring: Increases the Critical Damage by 40%

Since you’ll be positioned close to enemies, you will want to leverage the high critical stats, as well as the passive of the Blood-Soaked Shirt to have a chance to get health back.

Quick Tips for Playing the Sorceress

High offense and low defense dictate your strategy. Here are three quick tips that you must have in mind when playing the Sorceress:

  • Kite Like Your Life Depends On It: Because, well, it does. Keep moving and stay one step ahead of your enemies.
  • Positioning Matters: Stay just far enough away to keep enemies at bay while still hitting them.
  • Experiment and Adapt: Your playstyle might vary based on what traits RNG throws your way. Embrace the chaos.

Final Thoughts

The Sorcerer is a mainstay magic character in games like these, with high-damage magic attacks, and low defenses.

Use the combination of abilities, traits, and items to the best of your ability to make quick work of your enemies.

The game has a lot of classes to offer so check out our guide on the best cleric build in Halls of Torment.

Now that you know the best Sorcerer build, go out there and experiment with it. See what works for you, and then let us all know in the comments down below if you have any tips or tricks up your sleeves.


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