Gotham Knights: THE Best Nightwing Build

Nightwing is a melee-specialist character in Gotham Knights who focuses on offensively or defensively buffing allies.

In addition, he is a brawler with solid area-of-effect abilities. However, he only starts to get strong during the late game.

For the majority of the early game, Nightwing is weaker compared to other characters since he depends more heavily on skill points and upgrades.

However, in the late game, his buffing skills make him essential for any co-op party.

If, instead, you prefer a character that favors solo gameplay, consider checking out our guide on the best Batgirl build in Gotham Knights.

In this guide, I will showcase the best level 40 Nightwing build in Gotham Knights focusing on his ideal loadout, momentum abilities, and skill trees.

Best Nightwing Loadout

Nightwing preview in Gotham Knights.

Just like other characters in Gotham Knights, Nighthood truly shines when he gets to level 40 with legendary gear.

Specifically, this is his best loadout in the game:

  • Melee: Cryogenic Escrima Sticks (allows Nightwing to utilize freeze combos)
  • Ranged: Linked Darts (High crit stats overall and solid damage)
  • Suit: High Ultimate Suit (great synergy with knighthood tree)

While legendary gear is hard to gain since it depends on time, effort, and luck, it’s worth it since it will boost your stats significantly.

Also, other legendary gear will work and can even be better than the recommended one with the proper build. However, you need to make sure to equally balance stats between power, health, defense, and crit stats.

Best Nightwing Momentum Abilities

Nightwing preview in Gotham Knights.

While all of Nightwing’s momentum abilities can shine in the right circumstances, some allow for uniquely powerful combos with other skills. Here are Nightwing’s best abilities in Gotham Knights.

Shotgun Darts

This is Nightwing’s bread-and-butter ability. Shotgun darts can deal exceptionally high damage if close enough to the enemy while also breaking their guard.

It can also be followed by more darts to increase the poison built up on foes.

Elemental Shockwave

This skill features high damage, medium AoE and can apply elemental damage. The element applied will depend on the weapon used.

In this build, where Nightwing uses the Cryogenic Escrima Sticks, Elemental Shockwave will freeze opponents in place.

This way, Nightwing can follow with more damage while the enemies are unable to dodge, block, or even react.

Speed Boost

With speed boost, Nightwing moves and fights faster, while also gaining more momentum. This speeds up his gameplay significantly and allows him to reach high damage numbers if combined with the right skills.

In addition, speed boost gives him a lot of momentum which further enhances his playstyle.

Best Nightwing Skills

Nightwing during combat in Gotham Knights.

While eventually, you’ll want to unlock everything, start by spreading your focus between the raptor and knighthood trees. Then, based on what you need go for either acrobat for mobility and aerial combat, or pack leader for co-op gameplay.

One of the best combinations for Nightwing is using Strike Distance+ (Knighthood tree), Critical Distance (Raptor Tree), Combat Expertise (Knighthood Tree), and Speed Boost (Momentum Ability).

Combining these four allows Nightwing to deal exceptionally high damage since each skill has amazing synergy with the others.

For a more stealth-focused approach, consider checking out our guide on the best build for Robin in Gotham Knights.


To sum up, this is the best build for Nightwing in Gotham Knights. Prioritize legendary gear, focus on the raptor and knighthood trees, and combine them with the right momentum abilities to ensure you’re dealing as much damage as possible.

Don’t forget to level up the pack leader tree for co-op groups, since Nightwing will shine in these situations.

If you enjoyed reading this article, consider checking out our guide on the best build for Red Hood in Gotham Knights.

What do you think about Nightwing? Do you have any other great build recommendations? Let us know in the comments below


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