Enshrouded Class Tier List

This Enshrouded class tier list will rank all classes in the game and explain what makes the best ones stand out.

Overall, the best classes are the Tank, the Survivor, and the Battlemage since they can clear any type of content and will help you progress through the game easily.

Let’s rank all classes, starting from the best ones, and explain how they manage to stand out.

S-Tier (Best Classes in Enshrouded)

Enshrouded Class tier list - all classes in the game.

S-Tier classes are amazing overall for any type of gameplay, including solo and co-op. They can take down enemies, withstand damage, and offer a lot of value in a co-op party if played properly.

  • Tank
  • Survivor
  • Battlemage

To help you decide, let’s go through these top three choices in further detail.


The Tank is pretty self-explanatory: a strong and durable character that plays in the frontline taunts enemies and deals solid damage.

With skills that reduce damage taken for all allies, the Tank is a must-have in any co-op party. Even in solo gameplay, this class can easily clear content, albeit more slowly than other options.


The Survivor is the best support class in Enshrouded. It features skills that increase speed, jump height, and overall utility. Even if you don’t commit to the Survivor class, it’s highly useful to invest some skill points for all the side buffs.


The Battlemage is a ranged class that combines damage and survivability. You’ll be an off-tank that can deal high damage while also having enough survivability to not worry about getting one-shotted.

With Blink to replace your regular dodge and many great ranged DPS skills, you’ll have a bit of everything in your kit.

A-Tier Classes

Enshrouded Class tier list.

A-Tier classes deal high damage but come at the cost of reduced survivability. They are extremely useful but require precise gameplay and proper movements.

  • Ranger
  • Wizard
  • Warrior

To make the most out of these classes, check out our best Ranger build and our best Mage loadout guides.

B-Tier Classes in Enshrouded

B-Tier classes are useful to have in your party and will offer some value, but you can also go without them. If you’re a big co-op group or really enjoy the playstyle of these classes, you can try them out, and they’ll perform well.

  • Barbarian
  • Healer

C-Tier Classes

C-Tier classes fall off due to lacking survivability and also featuring only mediocre damage or utility. They can offer some value if played properly but are high-risk, low-reward classes.

  • Assassin
  • Athlete

D-Tier Classes

Finally, D-Tier classes don’t offer much value and have very niche playstyles. If you want a challenge without increasing the difficulty, try one of those; otherwise, I recommend avoiding them.

  • Beastmaster
  • Trickster

Wrapping up

To wrap up this Enshrouded tier list, the best classes are the Tank, the Survivor, and the Battlemage.

Keep in mind that this tier list should only serve as a recommendation; if you really like a low-ranked class, I highly recommend trying it out. After all, it’s more important to have fun with a class and playstyle you enjoy than force yourself to play something you don’t like just because it’s strong.

Which class are you using? Do you have any specific builds to recommend? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re looking to optimize your gear, check out our list of all Craftspeople locations in Enshrouded to unlock them early.


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