Decieve Inc. is a first-person shooter with a twist. You are tasked to blend in the crowd, grab the objective and get out. You will not be alone in this hunt though. Other players will take the form of rival spies trying to one-up you while going after the same objectives.
With a starting roster of eight different playable Agents, you will have a lot of options to try and find the playstyle that fits better for you. Much like any other shooter, some characters were given better abilities that distinguish them from the rest.
In the Deceive Inc. Characters tier list, I will go over the characters from best to worst so players can have an idea of who to try out when they first start the game. Keep in mind that this tier list is meant to help players get into the game, and have fun.
If you find yourself drawn to an Agent placed lower on the list don’t let that dissuade you from using them. If you are good enough, and with practice, all Agents can be great to use.
Here is a quick overview of the tier list for those of you who don’t want to go over the explanations.
S Tier | A Tier | B Tier |
Squire | Larcin | Ace |
Chavez | Yu-Mi | Madam Xiu |
Cavaliere | Hans |
If you want to check out another FPS game, check out our guide on how to access OG Fortnite Maps: Reboot Royale & Atlas OG Battle Royale Codes, in Fortnite Creative.
Deceive Inc. General Information
In Deceive Inc. each Agent has a distinct role they are set in. These roles inform the way Agents play and give an idea of their play style. Here is a breakdown of the roles that are in the game.
- Vanguard: a well-rounded, self-reliant fighter.
- Tracker: focuses on finding, singling out, and hunting down targets.
- Scoundrel: uses dirty tricks to win.
- Disruptor: an expert at controlling space and disturbing the flow of fights.
Aside from the role Agents are classified in, they also have a Weapon, an Expertise, and a Passive.
- Weapons: Every agent has a basic weapon. However, you can also unlock other variants of these weapons.
- Expertise: This is an active skill, you can use the basic one, but you can also unlock two extra abilities.
- Passive: These are skills that are always active. You start with one, but you can unlock more.
This is the general information players will need to know when it comes to Agents and their kits.
Deceive Inc. Characters – S Tier
- Role: Vanguard.
- Weapon – Lace: This is a silenced pistol, with medium damage, and effective at close-range. It has a fast fire rate and medium reload speed.
- Expertise – Eyes on the prize: Instantly detects valuable items in a large area (they are highlighted for him and his allies).
- Passive – Always ready: He gets amped up (speed boost) when he is damaged. The ability will not be active again until Squire regains his cover, it is not activated by fall damage.
Squire is at the top of the list because it allows players of all skill levels to be able to provide something to their team.
Utilize his expertise to provide information to your side, and when you find yourself in danger his passive will help you get to safety quicker.
- Role: Vanguard.
- Weapon – Sentinel: It’s a standard revolver, powerful and efficient at mid-range. It has a medium fire range, and reload speed.
- Expertise – Hard Boiled: He instantly becomes invulnerable for a short time, Chavez takes no damage, and his interactions are limited to unlocked doors.
- Passive – Tough Luck: Chavez turns a portion of damage into grey health that slowly regenerates after some time. The amount of grey health depends on the damage received.
Chavez is one of the tankier Agents thanks to his expertise and his passive. Be sure to keep this in mind if you find yourself in a losing fight.
Deceive Inc. Characters – A Tier
- Role: Scoundrel.
- Weapon – Silence: Throwable pocket pistol, decent damage, and efficient at close-range. Very fast fire rate and reload speed. Upon emptying the magazine, Larcin throws his weapon dealing damage.
- Expertise – Adieu: He becomes invisible, and on activation close allies get amped up (speed boost). While invisible, no damage or tool of detection can affect him. In this state, interactions are limited to unlocked doors.
- Passive – Merci beaucoup!: Larcin’s melee attacks steal items from rivals (the highest-value item). If the rival has no items, Intel will be stolen.
- Role: Disruptor.
- Weapon – Tactical Slingshot: It fires a reliable and powerful pellet. Hold to charge, slow fire rate and reload time.
- Expertise – EMP blast: Yu-Mi equips an EMP pellet in her Slingshot, which creates an EMP field on impact. It slows rivals, drains their cover, and destroys their gadgets.
- Passive – Quick fix: Gadgets regenerate faster when destroyed.
- Role: Tracker.
- Weapon – Dragoons: Alternating dual pistols, powerful and effective at mid-range, with fast fire rate, and medium reload speed.
- Expertise – Investigation: She can investigate various objects that have been interacted with by a rival, upon completing the investigation, the targeted rival gets traced.
- Passive – Tigers leap: Cavalier can charge her melee attack and kick, which makes her lunge forward a short distance. It will also deal bonus damage.
Deceive Inc. Characters – B Tier
- Role: Tracker.
- Weapon – Queen of Diamond: A scoped sniper rifle, very powerful and efficient at long range, with a slow rate of fire and reload speed.
- Expertise – Queen’s Gaze: Ace instantly applies a mark to the last hit rival or the currently scoped target. Marked targets have a trail to their current location.
- Passive: Ace charges her next shot when she ADS. It deals bonus damage.
Madam Xiu
- Role: Scoundrel.
- Weapon – Zhulong: An automatic crossbow, with low damage per shot and a fast fire rate and reload speed.
- Expertise – Cobra’s Deceit: She enters a stance, allowing her to shift towards a selected target in a large radius. She leaves behind a decoy, which dissolves when dealt any damage. This action causes both agents to lose cover. Does not work against out-of-cover rivals.
- Passive – Viper’s knowledge: An icon appears when the cover is blown near her, which is visible regardless of the line of sight. However, it does not follow the rival.
- Role: Disruptor.
- Weapon – The Hook: Hand-mounted shotgun with two different modes. It has a low fire rate, efficient at close-range. Medium reload speed.
- Hipfire mode: powerful shotgun with a medium spray
- ADS mode: enables the Slug-mount for single precise shots.
- Expertise – Incapacitor orb: Hans can shoot an orb of energy which applies neutralized (rivals cannot use their expertise) and slowed.
- Passive – Dreadful presence: He projects a wave of energy when breaks his own cover, and rivals will get their cover blown.
In conclusion, this was the character tier list for Deceive Inc. With a starting roster providing something all players could enjoy.
Pick an Agent you think is good, keep in mind what you learned here, and have a blast playing the game.
If you have the craving for a more casual gaming experience, with RPG elements, check out our guide to all staff members, in Dave the Diver.
Let us know in the comments down below which Agent you enjoy using, and is there one you would suggest to new players?
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