Coral Island: How to Use Controller

Coral Island doesn’t have in-game controller support and many players have been wondering if using a controller is even possible.

Fortunately, there is a way for Steam and Xbox Game Pass players to experience Coral Island with a controller.

Also, if you’d like to experiment with other options available in Coral Island, consider checking out our guide on how to install mods to the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to set up and use a controller on Steam and Xbox Game Pass for Coral Island.

How to Enable Controller

Follow these steps to be able to use a controller in the Steam and Xbox Game Pass Versions of Coral Island.

1. On Steam, go to the top left, select ‘Steam’, then ‘Settings’.
2. Go to the ‘Controller’ tab, and then choose ‘General Controller Settings’.
3. Add a checkmark next to the type of controller you are using (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, etc.) – make sure your controller is activated for this step.

Step 3 – Steam Controller Settings.

4. Go to your Steam library, locate Coral Island, right-click on it, select ‘Manage’, then ‘Controller Layout’.
5. If you are on Xbox Game Pass instead, select ‘Desktop Configuration’.

6. Select ‘Browse Configs’ and navigate to the ‘Community’ tab from the left menu.
7. Choose any of the layouts that fit with your controller type and choose ‘Apply Configuration’ to apply changes.

Steps 6 and 7 – Change Xbox controller configurations in Steam Settings.

8. Lastly, launch Coral Island and go to the in-game settings. Disable both ‘Enable Mouse Control’ and ‘Enable Tool Direction Using Mouse’.

Also, for convenience purposes, enable auto spring and make sure sprint is set to toggle.

As for which button does what, it depends on the layout you chose in step 7. Make sure to choose one that’s convenient for you.

Does Coral Island Have Native Controller Support?

Unfortunately, at the moment, Coral Island has no native controller support. The method described above is the only way to use a controller.

However, native controller support is on its way and will be much easier to activate when it’s out. Until then, controller fans will have to make do with the above option.

The only setback of non-native controller support is going to be inventory management. Using a controller will make moving items less precise and slower, but other than that everything else should be smooth and convenient to use.


In conclusion, this is how to set up and use a controller for Coral Island on Steam and Xbox Game Pass.

In both cases, all it takes is tweaking Steam’s controller settings and then changing some of the in-game options in Coral Island.

Now that you’re ready to enjoy Coral Island with a controller, consider checking out our guide on how to increase your town rank fast in the game.

What do you think about this process? Are you going to use a controller right away, or are you waiting for native controller support? Let us know in the comments below.


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