Call of Duty Zombies: All Perks Listed & Detailed

Let’s check out all the perks in Call of Duty Zombies so that you know exactly how to better tackle the incoming waves and not only survive, but thrive.

In Zombies, players face endless waves of zombies, buy and use weapons, perks, and utilities, use power-ups to support them, and repair nearby defenses to keep zombies out.

Zombies become more robust, and faster upon completion of each round, forcing players to make tactical decisions about point spending and progressing through the map.

If you want to check out a different kind of check, take a look at our choice guide on how to get any class you want, in Lost Chapter.

Call of Duty Zombies: Original Zombie Perks


Perk-a-Cola is a vending machine that appears on maps, and players can purchase perks priced between 500 to 4000 points.

Perks can also be obtained via a Random Perk Bottle or the GobbleGum Perkaholic.

Here is the list of perks that appeared throughout the series, until the game mode was changed in Call of Duty Cold War.

PerksPerk Effects
Bandolier BanditCarry increased ammo stock.
Blaze PhaseCrouch then uncrouch to dash through enemies in a blaze of fire, killing and knocking them back. Stay crouched to charge for more distance. Jump to cancel charge.
Blood Wolf BiteQuickly inflicting a lot of damage spawns a Wolf companion that fights alongside the player.
Deadshot DaiquiriAuto aims weapons at the head, increases hip-fire accuracy by 35%, and reduces weapon recoil.
Deadshot DealerAiming down sight snaps to the enemy’s head. Reduced hip spread, and recoil when firing. Removes scope sway.
Death PerceptionSee nearby enemies through walls. Receive screen indicators when enemies approach the Player from off screen.
Der WunderfizzGrants players with random perks including perks not on the map.
Double Shot Root BeerShots two bullets for every one bullet fired, doubling the damage for bullet weapons.
Double Tap Root Beer IIIncreases bullet weapon damage by 33%.
Dying WishInstead of entering Last Stand, the Player goes Berserk for 9 seconds. While Berserk, they are invulnerable and melee damage is greatly increased. Afterward, the player is left with 1 health. The cooldown increases with every use.
Electric BurstReloading causes an electric discharge that damages and stuns nearby enemies. The more empty the magazine, the stronger the damage.
Electric CherryElectric Shock surrounds the player upon reloading. lower the magazine bigger the Shock.
Ethereal RazorOffhand melee swipes affect multiple enemies in an arc. Offhand swipes and lunges give bonus damage and restore a small amount of health.
JuggernogIncreased health from 100 to 250.
Mule KickCarry an additional Primary weapon. A total of three guns. Going down will remove the last purchased weapon.
PhD SliderImmunity to explosives and falling damage. Also, provide the player with a diving explosive.
Phd SliderSlide to build up a charge. Once fully charged, slide into an enemy to trigger an explosion. Gain full resistance to self-inflicted explosive damage and partial resistance to enemy explosive damage.
Quick ReviveShorter delay before regenerating health and increased regeneration rate. Revive Players faster.
Secret SauceReceive a random Perk not assigned to another slot.
Speed ColaCuts reload time in half and builds barriers by 60% faster.
Stamin-UpIncreased sprint speed and duration. Stamina regenerates faster.
Stone Cold StrongholdStanding your ground crates a defensive circle which boosts damage and armor over time while inside.
TimeslipEquipment cooldown rate increased. Mystery Box and Pack-a-Punch weapons appear faster. Greatly reduce Trap and Fast Travel cooldowns.
TombstonePlayers that die can run back to the same spot to recover all perks and weapons. A limited time until the power-up is lost.
Victorious TortoiseShields block damage from all directions when held. When a Shield breaks it will trigger a defensive explosion.
Vulture AidSee Perk, Wall Weapons, and the Mystery box through walls, Zombies drop ammo, and Zombies release gas that deters zombies away from the player.
Who’s WhoSpawns a doppelganger with only a pistol, allowing players to revive themselves.
Widow’s WineReplaces standard grenade with a spiderweb that slows zombies. It also increases melee damage.
Winter’s WailGetting hit by a melee attack while not at full health will cause a frost explosion that will freeze or slow enemies nearby. You can store three charges. In Realistic Difficulty, the frost explosion will trigger regardless of health.
ZombshellBasic zombies have a chance to explode when killed, leaving behind a contamination field that slows enemies and increases the damage dealt to them. Cooldown increases with each explosion but resets at the start of every round.

Call of Duty Zombies: Black Ops Cold War Perks


While Zombies veterans will be familiar with the initial versions of most of our starting Perks, Elemental Pop is something different. This new Perk is all about Ammo Mods.

With every shot fired while Elemental Pop is active, you’ll have a slight chance for a random base Ammo Mod to take effect against your target. Every Perk can be permanently upgraded up to five levels.

Upgrades come at the cost of Aetherium Crystals, awarded upon reaching “Round Milestones” which is first archived at Round 10 with subsequent milestones occurring every 5 rounds.

Three types can be found: Raw Aetherium Crystals, Refined Aetherium Crystals, and Flawless Aetherium Crystals.

Upgrade Costs:

  • Tier I: 1 Raw Aetherium Crystal
  • Tier II: 2 Raw Aetherium Crystals
  • Tier III: 3 Raw Aetherium Crystals
  • Tier IV: 4 Refined Aetherium Crystals
  • Tier V: 5 Flawless Aetherium Crystals

Here is a list of all the perks available:

Jugger-Nog: Increase maximum health by 50.

  • Tier I: Reduce status effect durations by 50%,
  • Tier II: Armor Plates replenish 25% of additional armor.
  • Tier III: Increase maximum health by 100.
  • Tier IV: Armor durability increased by 25%.
  • Tier V: Instead of getting downed on a lethal hit, armor is depleted and health is reduced to 1.

Speed Cola: Increase reload speed bonus

  • Tier I: Swap weapons faster.
  • Tier II: Field Upgrades recharge 20% faster.
  • Tier III: Increase reload speed bonus to 30%.
  • Tier IV: Repair barricades faster. The Mystery Box settles much faster.
  • Tier V: Fire and reload while sprinting at full speed.

Quick Revive: Reduce the time it takes to regen full health by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.

  • Tier I: Downed crawl speed is increased by 100%.
  • Tier II: Reduce the delay before health starts regenerating by 50%.
  • Tier III: Reviving an ally will also heal you to full health.
  • Tier IV: Reviving an ally will increase both players’ movement speed for a limited time.
  • Tier V: Killing an enemy while downed will revive you and remove Quick Revive Perk.

Stamin-Up: Increase run and sprint speed.

  • Tier I: Increase backpedal speed.
  • Tier II: Immunity to fall damage.
  • Tier III: Walk faster while aiming down sights.
  • Tier IV: Use equipment while sprinting.
  • Tier V: Remove sprint speed falloff.

Elemental Pop: Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random base Ammo Mod effect.

  • Tier I: Equipment damage also has a small chance to apply a random base Ammo Mod effect.
  • Tier II: Reduce Ammo Mod cooldowns by 20%.
  • Tier III: When random Ammo Mod is applied it uses the Ammo Mod’s current Skill Tier instead of the base.
  • Tier IV: Increase enemy elemental weakness damage by 50%.
  • Tier V: Reloading creates an electric damage discharge that damages and stuns nearby normal enemies. The more empty the magazine, the stronger the damage.

Deadshot Daiquiri: Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Remove scope sway.

  • Tier I: Deal 100% extra critical damage if an enemy is at full health.
  • Tier II: Increase damage against armor pieces by 50%.
  • Tier III: Reduce hip-fire spread.
  • Tier IV: Increase critical bonus damage to 10%.
  • Tier V: Each consecutive hit on the same enemy deals 2% more damage to a maximum of 20% damage.

Tombstone Soda: When downed, become a shadow in the Dark Aether armed with the weapons that can revive you. If your shadow loses all its health, you die.

  • Tier I: Shadow form can regenerate health.
  • Tier II: Increase downed duration to 60 seconds.
  • Tier III: On death, drop a Tombstone stash that saves your weapons, equipment, and resources.
  • Tier IV: Respawn near the end of the Round instead of the beginning of the next. Respawn timers are reduced by 50%.
  • Tier V: Prevent Perk decay while downed. Tombstone Soda is always lost when downed.

Mule Kick: Carry a Third Primary Weapon.

  • Tier I: Crafted equipment grants additional equipment if able.
  • Tier II: All enemies have a small chance to drop ammo
  • Tier III: Stowed weapons slowly refill ammo from stock.
  • Tier IV: 25% chance to keep non-retrievable equipment when used.
  • Tier V: 3rd primary weapon is recovered when repurchasing Mule Kick.

Death Perception: Obscured enemies are keylined.

  • Tier I: Minimap update rate is increased.
  • Tier II: Enemies give danger indicators when behind the Player.
  • Tier III: Gain 20% more looted Salvage and High-Grade Salvage.
  • Tier IV: Increase armor penetration damage by 25%.
  • Tier V: Nearby chests, resources, and item drops are keylined through walls.

PHD Slider: Sliding into enemies triggers an explosion. The size and damage increase the farther you slide before impact.

  • Tier I: Immunity to environmental damage while sliding.
  • Tier II: Increased slide duration.
  • Tier III: Immunity to self-inflicted explosive damage.
  • Tier IV: Increased slide speed.
  • Tier V: Falling from a large height will trigger an explosion. The size and damage increase the higher you fall.

Call of Duty Zombies: Vanguard Perks


The Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies perks are implemented quite uniquely compared to the previous entries.

Perks have different names, new prices, and a new tier system that allows you to upgrade each perk as you play and survive rounds.

When you start a game on Der Anfang, all areas will be locked, meaning you must complete objectives to open up the map. Once you unlock an area, you’ll be able to acquire the perk in that specific section of the map.

Each perk has four tiers, and each one costs more than the last.

  • Tier 1: Free
  • Tier 2: 2,500 points
  • Tier 3: 5,000 points 
  • Tier 4: 7,500 points

Here are the five different perks you will find.

  • Fiendish Fortitude – Increases health 
  • Aethereal Haste – Boosts movement speed
  • Diabolical Damage – Increases critical damage
  • Venomous Vigor – Boosts regen speed
  • Demonic Frenzy – Boosts reload speed

We all know that a sniper is really useful, so we have an equally useful guide on how to unlock Slimline PRO Optic in COD MW2.

Final Thoughts

The zombie game mode has been a staple of the Call of Duty series. Despite the changes that have been made in the later releases, players still find this game mode one of the most beloved additions.

Speaking of additions, why not continue reading the previous article on how to get the Dark Matter Camo in CoD Warzone?

With all the perks listed and detailed, for Call of Duty Zombies, you will be able be able to make a strategy before going in.

With so many different iterations, let us know in the comments down below which is your favorite, and what you enjoy most about it.


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