ARK: Survival Ascended Best Base Locations

Are you interested in the best base locations in Ark Survival Ascended? Here’s everything you must know before settling down.

While there are many great base locations on every map, you shouldn’t follow any exact location guide since others will see the same guide and that location will end up being overpopulated and not worth it.

Instead, your best option is to follow various useful tips including do’s and don’ts, and based on those, decide on the best location for your needs.

Thus, in this guide, I will list the best tips and tricks to help you decide on the best base location in Ark Survival Ascended.

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How to Find the Best Base Location in Ark: Survival Ascended

Best base locations in Ark Survival Ascended - tips and tricks to help you decide.

As you’re spawning on the beach and trying to decide your first base location, here are some important tips to keep in mind:

Avoid the Beach

Whatever you do, I highly recommend avoiding building on the beach. Everyone on the server spawns on the beach, regardless of which spawning region they choose.

If you build there, you’ll constantly have fresh spawns around your base, some of which will try to grief or annoy you and will significantly hinder your progression. It’s important to head as far away from the beach as possible to avoid this.

Build Near Cover & Forests

Since your goal is to avoid unwanted attention early on, it’s helpful to build near forests and cover. You don’t want other players seeing you come in or out of your base from miles away.

Additionally, building in dense forests will make it harder for enemies to find and thus raid you. If you can find a forest near the middle of the map, you’ll be in a prime spot to avoid attention while also being close enough to contest important loot.

Don’t Chop Trees Near Your Base

If you’ve decided to build near a forest, it’s important to avoid chopping any nearby trees. After all, they are the only form of cover you have that keeps your base safe.

Try and go a bit further away if you need wood so that you can keep your base hidden and secure.

Avoid Specific Best Base Locations from Videos & Guides

Many videos and guides will recommend specific locations as the best base locations in Ark Survival Ascended. It’s important to avoid these locations for two reasons.

First, other players will see them too and they will probably be contested; even if it’s mentioned as a hidden spot, it won’t stay like that for long. Second, raiders will check these videos to find easier raid targets.

Get Creative

Based on all the previous tips, the most vital one to keep in mind is to get creative. Don’t build on the same location every time and try new ideas.

As long as you follow the do’s and don’ts mentioned above, you can build in so many places around the map. There’s no reason to limit yourself.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, these tips will help you find the best base locations in Ark: Survival Ascended.

Just make sure to avoid the beach and seek cover and fairly hidden locations. As long as you stay creative, almost any location can serve you well to avoid getting raided or door-camped.

Did these tips help you decide on a location? Do you have any other tips to add? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more Ark content to help you spice up your gameplay or try new items, check out our list of all cheats and console commands in Ark Survival Ascended.


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