Age of Wonders 4: Best Race & Trait Combos to Choose

When starting in Age of Wonders 4, players will be called to select their Race and Body and Mind Traits.

While there is a wide variety of Races and Traits to choose from, and while Races (Physical Forms) are purely cosmetic, certain Race and Trait combos help create a better overall aesthetic and motivate your to come out on top of your enemies.

In this guide, I will list the five best Race and Trait combos that you should choose in Age of Wonders 4 to make your empire thrive in the early game.

If you’re interested in Society Traits instead, check out our tier list of the best Society Traits in Age of Wonders 4.

Best Race and Trait Combos in Age of Wonders 4

Best Race and Body/Mind Trait combos in Age of Wonders 4.

Each Race will start with one Body and one Mind Trait. With 10 different Races, 14 Body Traits, and 14 Mind Traits, the combinations can seem endless.

It’s important to remember that you do not need to min-max and create the very best combo in the game. Instead, you should create a race that you enjoy playing as and equip it with Traits that fit your playstyle.

However, if you’re looking for some creative ideas you’re at the right place.

In this list, we’ve narrowed it down to the best. Thus, here are the five best Race and Trait combos in Age of Wonders 4.

5. Orcoid + Bulwark + Defensive Tactics

There’s nothing scarier than an extremely durable Orc in your frontline. Bulwark increases Defense Mode Resistance and Defense, while Defensive tactics increases Resistance and Defense further when standing next to a unit with the same Trait.

Overall, this combo will create a strong Orc with extremely high survivability that enemies will have a hard time taking down.

4. Elfkin + Keen-Sighted + Fast Initiative

Best Race and Body/Mind Trait combos in Age of Wonders 4.

This combo will help create an offensive archer or flanker unit. Keen-Sighted increases the unit’s Accuracy, while Fast Initiative will allow the unit to move 6 hexes on the first combat turn.

This will allow it to position better for ranged or flank attacks and will hit enemies more consistently due to increased Accuracy.

3. Ratkin + Strong + Sneaky

A strong and sneaky rat is an ideal option for taking down the enemy’s backline units.

Strong increases Melee and Physical Ranged Damage by 10%, while Sneaky increases Attack Damage by 25% while Flanking.

This will allow your Ratkins to even two-shot enemies with the right positioning.

2. Halfling + Keen-Sighted + Arcane Focus

Best Race and Body/Mind Trait combos in Age of Wonders 4.

Halflings can make great mages and that’s what this combo is for. Keen-Sighted will offer the unit increased Accuracy, while Arcane Focus increases Magic Attack Damage by 15%.

If you’re planning to utilize mage units, this is one of the best race and trait combos in Age of Wonders 4.

1. Toadkin + Hearty + Ferocious

A strong and durable Toadkin is a recipe for success as it will wreak havoc in the frontline of battle.

Hearty will increases the unit’s hit points by 10 while Ferocious increases Retaliation and Opportunity Attack Damage by 40%.

With this combo, your Ratkin will deal high damage and have solid survivability to utilize the Attack Damage bonuses.

Wrapping up – Best Race and Mind/Body Traits in Age of Wonders 4

To summarize, these are the best Body and Mind Traits to select alongside your Race in Age of Wonders 4.

Keep in mind that most Traits are situational and thus you should select them based on your playstyle and map.

What are your go-to Mind and Body Traits? What’s your favorite Race in the game? Let us know your favorite combos in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re just starting, check out our guide on how to heal your units in Age of Wonders 4.


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