Royale High Halo Answers: Glitterfrost Winter 2023

If you want to increase your chances of getting the Glitterfrost Winter 2023 Halo in Royale High, check out the recommended answers for the Fountain below.

This is a limited Winter Event in Royale High (you can read all about it here), so knowing the exact answers to go for will help a lot.

So without further ado, let’s check out the Glitterfrost Fountain Story Answers below so you can get the new Winter 2023 Halo in Royale High, as well as the Winter Halo 2023 badge.

The correct Glitterfrost Fountain Story answers

glitterfrost 2023 fountain

Select the answers recommended below in order to have a chance to get the Halo in the game.

I am only listing the options that have a chance for the halo, but you will also get other rewards from that.

Fountain answers

Choose / sample a cookie: A or C

Choose a tree: A

Exploring: A

Fox and paths: B or D

Frozen wings: A

The Glitterfrost Ball: B

Glitterfrost Events: B

Glitterfrost baking competition: C or D

Ice skating with friends: C

Items shop: D

Pick something fun: A

Snowball Game: A, C or D

Have in mind that getting the Winter 2023 halo in Royale High isn’t common at all – on the contrary!

As it is the case of most these events, there’s an under 1% chance of it dropping. However, it’s a 0% chance if you don’t pick one of the recommended answers above, so make sure to always keep them in mind and hope for the best.

In case you were wondering, here is the Glitterfrost Halo 2023:

Winter 2023 halo
Image via the Royale High Fandom page.

The key to increasing your chances of getting the halo is to make a wish at the Fountain every 2 hours. Hopefully you will get it sooner rather than later.

Final words

Make sure to always choose the recommended answers above in order to increase your chances for getting the Glitterfrost Winter Halo 2023 in Royale High.

For the questions that we don’t have an answer for at the moment, if you DO find the right option, please share them with us all in the comments section below.

And if you want to stay up to date with the other events in the game, make sure to read the guides to the Halloween Halo answers, as well as the Summer Halo Answers.

Calin Ciabai

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