Ark: Survival Ascended Cheats: Console Commands

Are you looking for a full list of all Ark: Survival Ascended cheats and console commands? Here’s everything you should know.

Start by enabling the console in the settings and then use the Console Command option on the bottom left of your screen. Next, you have a wide variety of command options to try and fully customize your server and gameplay experience.

In this guide, I will explain how to access the console in Ark Survival Ascended and include a full list of all console commands and cheats available.

If you’re having lagging issues, check out our guide on how to fix performance issues and crashing in Ark Survival Ascended.

How to Access Console Commands in Ark Survival Ascended

Ark Survival Ascended all console commands and cheats.

To access console commands, access the menu (default hotkey: Esc), select Settings, and go to the Advanced tab. On the left side, find the ‘Console Access’ option and turn it to ‘On’. Now save and exit the menu.

To open the console now, simply select the ‘Console Command’ option on the bottom left corner. You can also open the console with the tilde (~) hotkey on your keyboard, the R1+L1+Square+Triangle combo on PlayStation, and the RB+LB+X+Y combo on Xbox.

This will open the console menu, where you can insert various commands to customize your gameplay experience.

All Console Command Cheats in Ark Survival Ascended

Ark Survival Ascended all console commands and cheats.

There are a lot of console commands available in Ark Survival Ascended to help you spawn items, tame dinosaurs, change game mode, and even fly. Without further delay, here are all the console commands available:

  • addexperience (number)    Add XP points to your character
  • admincheat god    Enables god mode, which makes you immune to all damage except damage taken from hunger, thirst, and drowning
  • Changesize (number)    Change your size
  • Dotame    Tame the targeted dinosaur
  • Enemyinvisible    Become invisible to enemies
  • Fly — Enable flying
  • Forcetame    Target a dinosaur, tame it, and ride without a saddle
  • Forcetameaoe (number)  —  Tame all dinosaurs within a set radius
  • Gcm – Enable creative mode
  • Ghost    Enable ghost mode that allows you to walk through objects
  • Giveallmeat — Spawn all types of meat
  • Givearmorset (tier) (quality)    Spawn an armor of a set tier and quality.
  • Givebossitems — Spawns a random boss item
  • Givecolors    Spawns all types of dye
  • Givecreativemode   Enables creative mode with all features enabled
  • Givecreativemodetotarget    Target a player and enable a creative mode for them

From increasing your XP to spawning various items, the options are endless with the console.

  • Givecreativemodetoplayer (playerID)    Select a player ID and enable a creative mode for them
  • Givedinoset (tier) (quantity)    Spawns a dinosaur saddle of a set tier and quantity
  • Giveengrams    Unlocks all crafting recipes
  • Giveengramstekonly    Unlocks all Tek engrams
  • Giveitemset (tier)   Spawns all items of a set tier
  • Giveitem (blueprintpath) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint)    Spawns a set item
  • Giveitemnum (item) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint)    Spawns a set item
  • Giveitemtoplayer (playerID) (blueprintpath) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint)    Spawn a set item for a target player
  • Giveitemnumtoplayer (playerID) (itemnum) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) — Spawn a set item for another player’s ID
  • Giveresources    Spawns 50 items of each type of material
  • Giveweaponset (tier) (quality)    Unlocks all weapons
  • Gmbuff    Enables God mode and grants infinite stats and enemy invisibility
  • Gmsummon <type> <level>    Spawns a tamed animal of a set type and level

Of course, you can also use it to unlock and grant you more extreme stuff like god mode and cheats both for yourself and for other players on the server.

  • Infinitestats    Grants infinite amount of food, water, oxygen, and stamina
  • Leavemealone    Enables God mode and grants infinite stats and enemy invisibility
  • setcheatplayer true — Enables cheats for a target player
  • setcheatplayer false — Disables cheats for a target player
  • settimeofday (hh:mm) — Sets the time of day
  • Summon (type)    Summons a set type of creature
  • Summontamed (type)    Summons a set type of tamed creature
  • Teleport    Enables unstoppable forward movement
  • TeleportplayerIDtome (playerID)    Teleports you to the player ID
  • Teleportplayernametome (playername)    Teleports you to the set player
  • ToggleInfiniteAmmo — Grants infinite ammo
  • Tpcoords (lat) (lon) (altitude)  — Teleports you to set coordinates
  • walk — Disables flying

Thankfully, the console also stores recently-used commands so you can insert them faster next time.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, these are all the cheats and console commands in Ark: Survival Ascended.

Overall, there’s a wide variety of options that allows you perfectly customize your server and gameplay experience while also trying out various game mechanics.

Which commands are you planning to use? Have you found any other commands that aren’t on this list? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

If you’re looking for a more seasonal game, check out our Phasmophobia Halloween event guide.


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