Remnant 2: Best Invader Build

Do you want to try a fast-paced class with strong melee combat capabilities? Here’s everything you need to know about the best Invader build in Remnant 2.

The Invader shines in close-quarters combat due to his high dodge chance and melee damage. With the right build and some practice, you’ll be dodging every incoming attack and punishing any enemy that gets close to you.

In this guide, I will go through the best Invader build in Remnant 2, including the best armor, weapons, skills, secret class, and rings.

If you’re looking to get your hands on a new ring, also check out our guide on how to get the Burden of the Follower ring in Remnant 2.

Best Equipment for the Invader (Armor & Weapons)

Best Invader build in Remnant 2 - best armor and weapons.

The best armor of the Invader involves the Dendroid Armor set. This armor will allow you to remain at Light armor weight (with the right Traits) and keep you at 62 armor.

The best weapon for the Invader in Remnant 2 is the Spectral Blade as it’s the strongest Katana weapon in the game. If you don’t have it yet, check out our guide on how to get the Spectral Blade in Remnant 2. Secondary options include the Nightfall and the Enigma as they’re great for ranged damage.

The best Relic for the best Medic build in Remnant 2 is the Dragon Heart with Melee Damage and Attack Speed mods as it will help you stay alive.

Best Invader Skills & Class in Remnant 2

Best Invader build in Remnant 2 - best skill and class.

The best class and secondary archetype for the Invader is the Challenger.

Based on that, here are the best skills for the Invader:

  • Void Cloak – Perfect Dodge incoming direct damage for 75s. Each auto-evade reduces the timer by 33%-100% based on damage absorbed and spawns a Decoy for 3s.
  • War Stomp – Creates a high-impact tremor that deals 150 damage and additional stagger in a forward cone up to 7.5m. Deals damage in all directions at point-blank range.

These skills will make you a close-quarters menace for enemies as you’ll be able to deal solid damage and dodge their attacks consistently.

If you want to try a different secondary archetype, check out our guide on how to unlock all secret classes in Remnant 2.

Also, if your archetype is still on level one, consider reading our guide on how the best solo XP farming method in Remnant 2.

Best Invader Rings

Best Invader build in Remnant 2 - best rings.

Rings and amulets should focus on increasing Melee damage and dodge chance. Here are the best Invader rings in Remnant 2:

  • Matriarch’s Insignia – Increases melee damage and restores stamina upon successful melee attacks.
  • Stone of Balance – Increase damage by 7%.
  • Fae Warrior Ring – Increases melee damage by 15%.
  • Feedback Loop – Perfect Dodge triggers an AoE explosion.
  • Dying Ember – Gain 5% of base melee damage as Lifesteal.

Any alternatives with similar stats can work as long as you focus on increasing damage, stamina, and dodge stats.

If you need help getting any of these, check out our guide on all ring locations in Remnant 2.

Best Invader Traits in Remnant 2

Best Invader build in Remnant 2 - best traits.

The best Invader traits in Remnant 2 prioritize offensive stats to help you take down enemies consistently while also offering some defensive attributes to ensure you’re able to stay alive.

  • Strong Back (Lv. 4) – Reduces encumbrance.
  • Untouchable (Lv. 4) – Increases invulnerability window.
  • Vigor (Lv. 10) – Increases max HP.
  • Endurance (Lv. 10) – Increases Stamina.
  • Spirit (Lv. 1) – Increases Mod Power generation.
  • Expertise (Lv. 8) – Reduces skill cooldown.
  • Amplitude (Lv. 10) – Increases AoE size.
  • Arcane Strike (Lv. 1) – Increases Melee mod generation.
  • Barkskin (Lv. 10) – Increases damage reduction.
  • Siphoner (Lv. 10) – Increases Lifesteal.

With these perks, you’ll be able to thrive even in Nightmare and Apocalypse difficulty.

Wrapping up the Best Invader Build in Remnant 2

In conclusion, that’s everything you need to know about the best Invader build in Remnant 2. Prioritize melee damage and dodge stats to punish any enemy that gets close to you.

This build is ideal for any difficulty as the high dodge chance will allow you to take down even Apocalypse enemies with enough practice.

What’s your go-to Invader build? What’s your favorite class and archetype combo in the game? Feel free to share your favorite builds in the comments below.


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