Jagged Alliance 3 – How to Craft Ammo & Explosives

Are you trying to get more ammo and explosives without having to spend a fortune buying them? Let’s see how to craft ammo and explosives in Jagged Alliance 3.

They are some of the most essential resources in the game and you can never have enough of them. Thankfully, they can be crafted easily by a merc with a high Explosives skill attribute via the Operations tab.

In this guide, I will explain how to craft ammo and explosives in Jagged Alliance 3 and showcase how to get the required materials for this process.

Before moving on, make sure to check out our guide on the best starting mercs in JA3 to start off on the right foot with a good Explosives Expert.

How to Craft Ammo and Explosives in Jagged Alliance 3

Select the Craft Ammo and Craft Explosives options to start crafting in JA3.

To craft ammo and explosives in Jagged Alliance 3, find a merc with a high skill attribute in Explosives and then navigate to the Operations tab and find the Craft Ammo and Craft Explosives options.

The Explosives attribute allows a merc to use grenades and other explosives, and deal more damage with them, while also reducing the mishap chance when throwing them. Additionally, it allows that merc to detect and disarm explosive traps with ease.

Overall, aim for an Explosives attribute over 80 to be able to craft explosives without issue. Personally, I highly recommend using Barry, as he is available from the start (unless you got unlucky and he’s offline) and he has an Explosives skill attribute of 92.

After you’ve settled on your explosives expert, head to the central map screen and open the Operations menu (hotkey: O). From there, scroll all the way down and you’ll find the Craft Ammo and Craft Explosives options.

In the ammo section, you can craft ammo of every kind by combining Gunpowder and Parts or upgrade your current ammo to be more effective (e.g. convert it into armor-piercing rounds). Also, each box of ammo that you craft will cost money, depending on the ammo type.

In the explosives section, you can craft various types of explosives. The main ingredients here are Parts and Gunpowder again, while some recipes also require TNT or C4.

How to get Parts and Gunpowder in JA3

How to craft explosives and ammo in Jagged Alliance 3 - how to get parts and gunpowder.

An easy way to get Gunpowder in Jagged Alliance 3 is by dismantling explosives with Wire Cutters (click on the cutters, select ‘Combine’, and then select the explosive you want to disassemble). You can dismantle Pipe bombs, TNT, C4, and PETN explosives.

Since some explosive recipes require TNT and C4, dismantle them only if you’re sure you won’t need them to craft anything.

To get Parts, your best option would be to find them during a mission. Explore the area and look for hidden stashes, which are filled with various important items including Parts.

Alternatively, you can scrap weapons to get Parts but it’s only recommended if you’re sure you’re not going to use them.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, players can craft ammo and explosives in Jagged Alliance 3 by having a mercenary with a high Explosives skill attribute craft them via the Operations tab.

Both ammo and explosives require money and materials to craft, with most of them needing Gunpowder and Parts. Make sure you gather these materials while you’re exploring.

Do you think it’s worth upgrading ammo? What type of explosives are you trying to craft? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re interested in recruiting one of the best late-game mercs in the game, check out our guide on how to hire Gus in Jagged Alliance 3.


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