Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life – Best Bachelor

Romance is a mandatory mechanic in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and players will have to choose one of the romanceable characters to marry at the end of year 1.

However, with eight characters to choose from (four bachelors and four bachelorettes), players will have to choose only one.

In this guide, I will compare the four bachelors to find out the best bachelor in SoS AWL and help you decide which character to marry.

Keep in mind that regardless of the gender you chose, you can marry any of the eight characters available.

Also, before deciding who to marry, consider checking out our guide on the best crops in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life to ensure your farm has started off on the right foot.

All Bachelors in SoS AWL

Best Bachelor to marry in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life.

There are four bachelors available in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life and players are free to choose and marry the one they prefer. Here are all of them:

  • Gustafa – Bard
  • Gordy – Artist
  • Matthew – Farmhand
  • Rock – Partier

For a full list including bachelorettes and how romance works, consider checking out our guide to all romanceable characters in SoS AWL.

Best Bachelor in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Best Bachelor to marry in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life.

Choosing the right bachelor is important as you’ll end up spending the rest of the game with them. Each of the bachelors has a unique personality, which will affect how good they’ll be with your children.

Overall, the best bachelor to marry in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is Gustafa. This is because he is easy to befriend and gain affection with. In addition, he will be a great father to your child.

However, if you want your child to take over the farm, you should marry Matthew. The hardest bachelor to befriend is Gordy as most of the time he doesn’t accept gifts.

Lastly, Rock isn’t a bad option as your kids will take his energy and be happier and more motivated to do stuff.

Nevertheless, at the end of the day, all four candidates are great options to marry and will allow you to progress in the game and unfold the main story in a unique way.

Thus, I highly recommend interacting with everyone during your first year on the farm and deciding based on that which one you like the most.

Just keep in mind that, at first, Matthew is a bit aggressive but shows his more sensitive side a bit later on. Just don’t rush into making any decisions within the first season.

If you’ve settled on a spouse, check out our list of the best gift for each character in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Wrapping up

To sum up, this is everything you need to know before being able to decide on the best bachelor in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Each of the four bachelors is a great choice and the final decision should depend on which one you like better based on their personality.

Which bachelor did you decide to marry? What made you decide that? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you want to try your luck with bachelorettes instead, check out our Molly romance guide in SoS AWL.


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