Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life – How to Get All Animals

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life includes a wide variety of animals that you can breed and get produce from on your farm.

Most of them can be purchased from the Ledger with the exception of the Duck and the Goat.

In this guide, I will list all animals available and their produce in SoS AWL and showcase how to get each of them. This way, you’ll be able to create the farm of your dreams.

Also, to make sure you’re treating your animals well, consider checking out our guide on how to upgrade your tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. An upgraded Milker or Clipper will go a long way.

All Animals & How to Get Them in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

All animals and how to get them in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life - how to get cow.

Here are all the animals in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, what they produce, and how to get them easily:

AnimalProduceHow to Get
Normal Cow (Male)Purchase for 2,500G from the Ledger
Normal Cow (Female)MilkPurchase for 5,000G from the Ledger
Brown Cow (Male)Purchase for 10,000G from the Ledger
Brown Cow (Female)Brown Milk (Butter)Purchase for 20,000G from the Ledger
Marble Cow (Male)Purchase for 10,000G from the Ledger
Marble Cow (Female)Marble Milk (Cheese)Purchase for 20,000G from the Ledger
Star Cow (Male)Purchase for 25,000G from the Ledger
Star Cow (Female)Star MilkPurchase for 50,000G from the Ledger
Sheep (Male)WoolPurchase for 3,000G from the Ledger
Sheep (Female)WoolPurchase for 3,000G from the Ledger
Chicken (Male)Purchase for 500G from the Ledger
Chicken (Female)EggsPurchase for 1,000G from the Ledger
Ducks (Male & Female)Eggs Purchase the Pond for 10,000G from the Ledger, have two clear spots in your Coop, and wait for Takakura to talk to you.
Goat (Female)Goat MilkPurchase for 40,000G from Van on Spring Three and Spring Eight of each year. The goat will show up in his store only if you have a free spot on your farm.
All animals and how to get them in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life - how to shear sheep.

Keep in mind that the Goat will eventually stop producing Goat Milk and you’ll need to sell it to the Ledger. You can expect to make around half of what you paid for the goat.

Also, male animals are only used for breeding (with the exception of Sheep), so make sure to buy the female ones first to start producing items and make some money.

Wrapping up

To sum up, these are all the animals available in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Based on your money and current animal buildings, select the one you can and get ready to start making some money through animal husbandry.

What’s your favorite animal in the game? Do you have all animals on your farm? Let us know in the comments below.

With your animal situation sorted, consider checking out our list of all romanceable characters in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life to help you decide which character to romance.


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