Super Mega Baseball 4: Team Chemistry Guide

Team Chemistry is a unique new aspect introduced in Super Mega Baseball 4 that increases the buffs provided by each player’s Traits.

There are five Team Chemistry types in the game and if players share the same type, their Traits will have increased effectiveness.

In this SMB 4 Team Chemistry guide, I will list all Team Chemistry types in the game and explain how this mechanic works to help you make the most out of it.

For more starter tips, check out our Super Mega Baseball 4 pitching guide. If you can master pitching, you’ll have a significant edge over your opponent.

All Team Chemistry Types in Super Mega Baseball 4

Super Mega Baseball 4 Team Chemistry guide - All Team Chemistry Types.

Each player will have one Team Chemistry type. In total, there are five Team Chemistry types in SMB 4:

  • Spirited
  • Crafty
  • Disciplined
  • Competitive
  • Scholarly

Team Chemistry has one purpose in Super Mega Baseball 4 and that is to boost the effectiveness of each player’s Traits. Overall, the more players you have with the same Team Chemistry type, the higher the level of those players’ Traits will be.

Based on these types, let’s examine how this mechanic works.

Team Chemistry Guide in SMB 4 – How Does it Work

Super Mega Baseball 4 Team Chemistry guide - how does it work.

Each Trait (positive or negative) in Super Mega Baseball 4 has three tiers. The tier of the perk during each game will depend on how many players you have with the same Team Chemistry type. Specifically:

  • 1-2 players with the same Team Chemistry type will have the Trait at level 1.
  • 3-6 players with the same Team Chemistry type will have the Trait at level 2.
  • 6 or more players with the same Team Chemistry type will have the Trait at level 3.

For instance, the “K Collector” Trait will increase the player’s Velocity and Junk by 8/15/30 at levels 1/2/3. If you have 1-2 players with the same Team Chemistry, these numbers will increase only by 8. Instead, if you have 6 or more, you’ll get a whooping bonus of 30, which will significantly upgrade your pitcher.

As for Traits with negative effects, increasing Team Chemistry will reduce the effectiveness of these debuffs.

Use the best Traits in Super Mega Baseball 4 in combination with the right Team Synergy and watch your team excel.

Wrapping up

To wrap up this SMB 4 Team Chemistry guide, now you know all five Chemistry Types in the game.

Make sure you set up your team in a way that their chemistry will allow them to have buffed Traits. This way, your players will gain a significant stat boost compared to the enemy team.

What’s your best Team Chemistry strategy for SMB 4? Do you try to get a huge boost on your most important Traits or do you focus on minor and major boosts for as many of them as possible? Feel free to share your strategies in the comments below.

Before leaving, consider also checking out our list of the best legends in Super Mega Baseball 4 to make sure you’ve got the best team possible.


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