Volcano Princess: All Recipes (Cooking)

There are various cooking recipes in Volcano Princess that help increase Action Points, Mood, or other core attributes.

However, it’s not exactly clear how to make each recipe and what its effects are.

In this guide, I will list all cooking recipes in Volcano Princess, including their ingredients and effects.

If you want to focus on romance instead or use these recipes as potential gifts, consider checking out our guide on the best gifts for Mona in Volcano Princess.

How to Cook in Volcano Princess

All cooking recipes and how to cook in Volcano Princess.
Visit Wild Horse Lake to cook in Volcano Princess.

To cook any of the recipes in Volcano Princess, you’ll need to gather the required ingredients and then visit the Wild Horse Lake location.

Interact with the cauldron that’s on a lit campfire and you’ll be able to cook as long as you have unlocked the required recipes and gathered the ingredients needed.

All Cooking Recipes in Volcano Princess

All cooking recipes in Volcano Princess.
Interact with the cooking pot to cook in Volcano Princess.

There are 20 available cooking recipes in Volcano Princess. Let’s see all of them.

Filling Bread2x Wheat+1 Action Point
Pan-Fried Meat Sausage2x Beast Meat+1 Action Point
Giant Omelette2x Giant Egg+1 Action Point
Sizzling Grilled Fish2x Fish+2 Action Point
Grilled Lobster Meat2x Fire Lobster+3 Action Point
Wild Berry Roast Pork3x Beast Meat
2x Wild Plum
+3 Action Point
Grape Custard2x Grape
1x Horse Milk
+1 Charisma
Grape Jam2x Grape+20 EMO
Lobster Gratin2x Fire Lobster
1x Beast Meat
+2 HP Cap
Fairy Carrot Gnocchi2x Fairy Carrot+10 INT
+10 IMG
Horse Milk Pudding5x Horse Milk+1 Mind
Stallion’s Diced Carrot2x Carrot+10 Mood
Cold Seaweed2x Kelp+10 Mood
Jasmite Tea2x Jasmine+10 Mood
Wild Berry Wine2x Wild Plum
1x Wheat
+10 Mood
Aromatic Wine2x Grape
1x Wheat
+20 Mood
Creamy Baked Egg2x Horse Milk
2x Giant Egg
+25 Mood
Snow Smoothies2x Snow Flower
2x Ice
+1 Stamina
+10 Mood
Nutritious Carrot Pork2x Carrot
1x Beast Meat
+20 STR
Horse Milk Wine4x Horse Milk
1x Wheat
+1 Stamina

Based on the materials you’ve got and the effect you’re looking for, now you’ve got everything you need to cook the meal of your choice.

Keep in mind that some of these recipes also make for great gifts. For instance, Grape Jam is one of the best gifts for Nina in Volcano Princess.

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are all the available cooking recipes in Volcano Princess.

Based on the stat you want to increase or the character you want to gift, make the respective meal and you’re good to go.

Which recipe are you trying to make? Are you using it to increase your stats or will you gift it to an NPC? Let us know in the comments below.

Before leaving, consider checking out our guide on how to fix the letter bug that’s been messing with many players’ experience in the most recent patch of Volcano Princess.


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