Terra Nil: Abandoned Quarry No Trees – How to Solve the Problem?

While trying to restore the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil, you’ll need to get flower patches, which require trees.

However, there are no flower patches or trees on this map, which really confuses players.

To solve this issue, you’ll need to use the Dehumidifier on the grass to convert it to Dry Grass, and then use the Solar Amplifier on the dry grass to create a fire. From the burnt terrain, you can make a forest.

In this guide, I will explain how to solve the ‘no trees’ problem in the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil.

How to Solve the ‘No Trees’ Problem in the Abandoned Quarry Map in Terra Nil

How to grow trees in the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil.
How to grow trees in the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil.

At some point in the Abandoned Quarry map, you’ll need to get flower patches. However, to get flower patches, you need trees first and there are no trees on this map.

The easiest way to make trees is by using the Solar Amplifier and burning Flower Patches. However, as there are no Flower Patches around, this only creates a vicious circle.

Thankfully, you can break this circle by using the Dehumidifier on grass tiles to create Dry Grass. Then, you can use the Solar Amplifier on Dry Grass to create a fire and burn nearby buildings.

How to set a fire in the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil.
How to set a fire in the Abandoned Quarry map in Terra Nil.

With that fire, you’ll get a big plot of burnt land and buildings, which can then be converted into a Forest by placing Arboretrums on the Building Husks.

Keep in mind that this only works by burning Dry Grass with the Solar Amplifier and you can’t use Lava since it just creates Ash.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can get trees in the Abandoned Quarry in Terra Nil by using the Dehumidifier to make Dry Bushes and the Solar Amplifier to burn those and create Building Husks.

Then, place Arboretrums there to create Forests, where you can also set up Beehives and more.

What do you think about this method? Would you prefer if the game made it clear that it’s possible to use the Solar Amplifier on Dry Grass? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now that you’re able to progress on this map, check out our guide on how to find all animals in the Abandoned Quarry.


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