The Outlast Trials: How to Join the Reborn

Are you looking to join the Reborn in The Outlast Trials? Here’s everything you need to know about the prestige system.

In short, you can become reborn after earning 20 Release Tokens through Program Genesis Trials and MK-Challenges. Then, complete the Farewell Mansion final trial and you’ll become Reborn.

Let’s go through the process in further detail and explain what happens when you get Reborn.

How to Join the Reborn in The Outlast Trials

How to join the reborn in The Outlast Trials.

To join the Reborn in The Outlast Trials, you will need to farm Release Tokens. These are obtained through the Genesis, Ultra, and Program X trials. While it’s more fun to earn tokens from all trials for the sake of variety, it’s not necessary.

If you prefer, you can simply spam one Genesis trial as many times as you need to get all the necessary tokens. Then, complete the final Farewell Mansion trial and you’ll get Reborn right after.

After getting the 10 tokens, interact with the receptionist in the Sleep Center to hand them over.

This will unlock one final mission called “Farewell Mission”. This is the same as the first mission you played but with more enemies and increased difficulty.

Completing this mission will allow you to become Reborn, which is the Prestige system in The Outlast Trials.

If you haven’t reached this part yet and want help with the previous Trials, check out our guides on how to complete “Sabotage the Lockdown” and “Hear the Words. See the Words” in Outlast Trials.

Keep in mind that the final trial can only be completed solo. You can’t bring friends or be part of the group during this trial, and it will test your final skills.

Since this is the most challenging content in the game, make sure you’re properly prepared by checking out our list of the best amps in The Outlast Trials.

Reborn Rewards – What Stays & What Changes

How to join the reborn in The Outlast Trials.

If you decide to become Reborn, which you can do as many times as you want since it works similarly to a Prestige system, various things will change. Specifically, here’s what happens when you get Reborn in The Outlast Trials:

  • Therapy Level stays the same
  • Loadout unlocks remain unlocked (this includes rigs, upgrades, and trauma)
  • Cosmetics unlocks stay in your wardrobe
  • Acquire a unique Reborn counter stat
  • Unlock a unique Reborn-exclusive cosmetic

Additionally, after being Reborn, you will get the opportunity to customize your character from scratch as practically, a new Reagent takes your place in the facility.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can join the Reborn in The Outlast Trials after earning enough Freedom Tokens and completing the Farewell Mansion Mission.

Thankfully, you can earn these reborn tokens by completing any trial within Genesis, Ultra, and Project X.

Are you trying to complete all trials or do you just spam one for ease? What’s your current Reborn level? Feel free to share your current progression and thoughts on this system in the comments below.


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