Errors such as crashes, freezes, screen tearing and more can happen, and in this guide, I will go over how to fix them in My time at Sandrock.
It’s pretty standard for games to encounter errors, and when players know what to do to fix it, they don’t cause that much of a headache.
Let’s go over the most valuable solutions players will want to try to fix any error they come up against.
If you want to know more about the game, outside of what can go wrong, check out our guide on how to romance all bachelorettes in My Time at Sandrock.
My Time at Sandrock: Most Prominent Errors
There are a few errors that are known to be more common, compared to others but let’s see what players can expect to happen.
- The assembled objects on the assembly table cannot be picked up
This is an error that can occur while players play through the game. The Developer has also acknowledged it, and they are trying their best to remove it from the game completely.
- Experiencing crashes during gameplay
- The game has no sound
- Screen Tearing Problems
- The character no matter what you press
- NPC wearing swimwear outfit after Pablo’s Fashion Show
- Players Experiencing Lag
- The UI is a bit sluggish when opening and switching
These hardware issues are known, and they will require some cooperation between the game’s community, and the developer in order to fix them and keep them from being an annoyance.
- If you’re using AMD Integrated graphics and the Builder’s face and body are rendering wrong
- Alienware DLC content not receiving
These user-specific errors are worked on behind the scenes, and the developers hope that with future updates, they will be ironed out.
My Time at Sandrock: Fixing Different Errors
With the errors grouped up, let’s go over what you will want to do in order to fix them, and pick up where you left off before having the issue.
- Fixing: The assembled objects on the assembly table cannot be picked up
This error can have a pretty easy solution for players to try out, and you won’t even have to close your game in order to fix it.
The first players will want to try, is to just go to sleep. Most commonly this issue resolved itself after sleeping.
On rarer occasions, it remained even after sleeping, players have reported that loading a previous save file has resolved the issue.
The most important lesson from this is to save often, and never go for long streaks of progress without making sure you save a couple of times to make it stick.
- Fixing: Hardware and Settings Errors
Hardware and Setting errors are pretty easy to deal with, because more often than not by changing a few settings, the game will run smoothly again.
If the game is running, but has some random moments where it doesn’t work as it should, the sound doesn’t come out, or something else, then the most common solution, is to save and restart the game.
Sometimes when running for longer sessions games can have issues, so a refreshing restart will give it a fresh start, and resolve any and all issues.
If you have issues, that a restart doesn’t fix, then you should take a look at the game’s settings. Sometimes the game tries to run itself with higher specs than your computer can handle, and that will cause issues.
Make sure that the graphics settings are in a range that your PC can handle, and not pushing it to its limits.
The game is lagging, and struggling to run, change the settings from High to Medium graphics. Screen tearing issues, turn on VSync while turning off frame rate limitations.
Players have noted that sometimes having multiple controller options connected can cause problems with the inputs, so make sure that you have only one controller option.
It may not be the most common error, but if this happens to you, knowing what to do, and not losing your cool with the game will help resolve it faster.
Lastly, and most importantly always just make sure that both your PC and your graphics card are updated. The number of errors that occur because players miss the latest update is way too high.
Always remember to update your PC’s components.
Final Thoughts
Errors can happen, especially when a game first releases, and there is an influx of users trying out different things while playing. Knowing how to deal with them, and promptly communicating with the developers about what you find is important.
When it comes to combat picking the right equipment is important, so check out our guide on the best weapons in the game (Ranged and Melee) in My Time at Sandrock.
With how to fix the different errors you may encounter in My Time in Sandrock, you won’t be losing your patience while trying to fix them. Let us know in the comments what errors have you encountered while playing the game.
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