Like a Dragon Gaiden: All Coliseum Fighters Listed

The Coliseum is a major part of the game, and in this guide, I will list all the Coliseum Fighters you can recruit.

There are many different ways to recruit these characters, and I will go over them as well. Some will be recruited as part of the main story, others will need to be beaten by you, and some will even be able to be recruited with money.

Let’s break down all the different ways you can recruit characters, and which characters are tied to them.

Recruitable Through the Main Story


There are four characters you will get while progressing through the main story, as recruitable characters.

  • Businessman Taro
  • Hattori the Ninja
  • Hammerhead
  • Phoeniki

You can recruit these fighters through the main story in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

Recruitable Through the Akame Network


Among the many different Requests you will complete while playing through the game, once you complete specific ones, you will be able to recruit fighters for the Coliseum.

Request NamesRecruitable Fighters
End the DestructionMasaharu Kaito
Toru Higashi
Final Showdown: Black SwallowtailsKeita Kuroyanagi
Final Showdown: Red PeacocksAkira Guren
Final Showdown: White KnightsKoji Shiranita
Liberate the Hammer ManYuji Nunokawa
Recruit Homeless YamanakaHomeless Yamaoka
Save the Pro WrestlerExcellent Sujiya
The Cat-Lovin’ RapperKATSUWO
The Strongest Convenience Store ClerkRyusei Tobashira
The Struggling HostRenji

You can recruit these fighters through the Request System in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

Speaking of the Request System in the Akame Network, check out our guide on why it’s the best way to level up the Akame Network fast in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Recruitable After You Defeat Them


There are some recruitable fighters you will only get after you defeat them in the arena. Some even have special requirements, which I will list so you don’t have any issues.

Recruitable FightersTournament LocationSpecial Requirements
Zhang WeiBronze Tournament 2Requires a Staminan item
BraveSilver TournamentKeep answering with “….” until he joins
Yasuo SodachiGold TournamentN/A
Wang WeiPlatinum TournamentMust have recruited Zhang Wei first
Yoshihito OnizukaBronze Hell RumbleN/A
Scorpion NakamuraSilver Hell RumbleN/A
Kung Fu Master SuzukiGold Hell RumbleGive him ¥100,000
NightmarePlatinum Rumble 2Need a certain number of Fans

You can recruit these fighters after beating them in the tournaments in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

Recruitable Through Sponsors


While walking through the Castle, you will notice some Sponsors who will allow you to recruit fighters for a fee.

Here are four Sponsors, you can find:

  • Well-Connected Gyaru in the Bar at Fighters’ Lounge
  • Broker in the Coliseum Lobby
  • Millionaire in the VIP Lounge
  • Oil Baron on the Second Floor of the Casino

The Well-Connected Gyaru and the Broker do not have any requirements the players must meet before getting their help, while the Millionaire and the Oil Baron do.

The Millionaire will need players to have reached the Gold Rank and have at least 1,000 fans.

The Oil Baron will need players to have reached the Platinum Rank and have at least 5,000 fans.

Here is a list of recruitable fighters from each sponsor.

Well-Connected Gyaru FightersBroker FightersMillionaire FightersOil Baron Fighters
Mamoru TatenoKamiyamaMunan AkamatsuYappi-kun
Mr. Masochist Lil’ Ryuji GodaHamako IshikawaSheep Man
Akimoto-kunSuper Guard Machine Gary Buster HolmesChicken Man
Patriarch GondawaraFumiya Sugiura

You can recruit these fighters through Sponsors in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

You might want to look the part when talking with the more important Sponsors, so check out our guide on where to find Formal Attire in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Final Thoughts

The Coliseum is a fun side mode, that you can sink a lot of hours of your playthrough trying to get everything.

Despite everything you can do in the game, falling in love is always a priority, so check out our hostess romance guide on Kei / Kson for Like a Dragon Gaiden.

With all the different recruitable fighters for the Coliseum listed, and explained how to get in Like a Dragon Gaiden, you will be able to have a full roster. Share your thoughts on who is your favorite fighter.


2 thoughts on “Like a Dragon Gaiden: All Coliseum Fighters Listed”

  1. i cant fight 2 fighters the kung fu master suzuki adn the nightmare, i defeated then but they are not in teh lounge where you can recruit fighters

    • Well, there is an RNG to which fighters you have beaten appear in the lounge. You may need to reload the area a couple of times. Many people have also mentioned on Reddit that it took them a few times of reloading the game, and the lounge area before getting them to appear.


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