Legend of Mushroom: Best Axe Warrior Build

The Axe Warrior is the second Warrior specialization class in Legend of Mushroom and it focuses more on counterattacks and DPS. The other class is the Swordsman, which is a great frontline tank unit with high survivability.

For a more DPS-focused playstyle, let’s go through the best Axe Warrior build in Legend of Mushroom with the best skills, traits, and pals that you should use.

Best Axe Warrior Skills

Best Axe Warrior builld in Legend of Mushroom.

Starting with active skills, here are the best Axe Warrior skills, listed in priority order:

  1. Nature’s Renewal: Deal 1775% DMG to the target and recover 30% of max HP within 5 secs. Also Base HP, ATK, and DEF +8% (25s CD)
  2. Heroic Descent: Summon a Hero Spirit with 3 Attack Speed. This Spirit deals 148% DMG with each attack for 10 seconds and cannot be targeted by enemies. Also Base HP, ATK, and DEF +32%. (19s CD)
  3. Grim Reaper: Summon Ghosts that deal 1443% DMG and instantly defeat any enemy with less than 5% HP. Also Base HP, ATK, and DEF +32% (9s CD)
  4. Disarm: Deal 2682% AoE DMG and disarm every target hit for 3 seconds. Also Base HP, ATK, and DEF +32% (16s CD)

Overall, they are the same skills as the Swordman but with a different priority order. Again, Nature’s Renewal is your best bet, but then you want to focus on summons instead of AoE.

If you want to check the tankier alternative, here is our guide on the best Swordman build in Legend of Mushroom.

Best Axe Warrior Traits and Pals

Best Axe Warrior builld in Legend of Mushroom.

For the Axe Warrior, the best skill to prioritize is counterstrike. This will allow you to deal high DPS and combined with your solid survivability, you’ll be a great off-tank/hybrid unit.

Secondarily, spend your points on regeneration and evasion, to slightly increase survivability as well.

As for Pals, anything that increases counter chance is ideal, while regeneration and evasion pals are also worth considering.

Keep in mind that if you’re new to the game, a great starting point is to check out our list of the best tips and tricks in Legend of Mushroom.

To wrap up this Axe Warrior build guide in Legend of Mushroom, this class offers a mix of tanking and DPS through the counterattack mechanic.

For more class suggestions, check out our Legend of Mushroom tier list of the best classes in the game.

Before leaving, make sure to leave your thoughts on the Axe Warrior class and your favorite Warrior subclass in the comments below!


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