Jagged Alliance 3: How to Turn on Forgiving Mode

Jagged Alliance 3 includes a wide variety of settings you can select when starting a new playthrough and Forgiving Mode is one of them.

It can be enabled from the main menu, once players select the “New Game” option and will reduce the overall difficulty of the playthrough. Alternatively, it can be enabled by accessing the settings during a playthrough and is found in the “Gameplay” tab.

In this guide, I will explain how to turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3 and list all other settings you can select when starting a new game.

Also, I will recommend which settings to start with, based on your experience with the Jagged Alliance series and strategy games in general.

To make sure you’ve got the most optimal playthrough, consider checking out our guide on how to make money in Jagged Alliance 3.

How to Turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3

How to turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3.

To turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3, follow these steps:

  1. Open the menu and navigate to the Settings.
  2. From the left side, go to the “Gameplay” tab.
  3. Find the Forgiving Mode option and turn it to “On”.

And that’s all. Alternatively, you can immediately turn on Forgiving Mode from the Main Menu when you choose to start a new game. It will be the third option there, just below “Game Rules”.

Forgiving Mode will make the game easier and is recommended for inexperienced players. It will make it faster to heal and repair, and you’ll earn more money while also lowering the impact of attrition.

All New Game Settings in Jagged Alliance 3

How to turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3 - Main Menu options.

Forgiving Mode isn’t the only setting you can select in Jagged Alliance 3. Instead, there are various options to help you find the perfect difficulty setting in the game and here are all of them:

  • First Blood – Standard Difficulty (enabled by default).
  • Commando – Harder difficulty where enemies deal more damage and drop less loot and money. Recommended for experienced players.
  • Mission Impossible – Hardest difficulty with elite enemies and even less loot and money drops. Recommended for those who want the ultimate challenge.
  • Forgiving Mode – Lower attrition impact, easier repair and healing, and more money.
  • Dead is Dead – Permadeath mode and can’t manually save, only autosave.
  • To the Bitter End – Can’t save during combat.
  • Lethal Weapons – Mercs won’t go down when their HP goes to 0 but instead will die.

Best New Game Settings in JA 3

While these settings are a matter of personal preference, if you’re new to Jagged Alliance or to the strategy genre in general, I recommend starting with Forgiving Mode on First Blood difficulty and everything else disabled.

For some extra challenge, start by disabling Forgiving Mode, then trying the Commando difficulty, and then the Dead is Dead mode.

Of course, for the ultimate challenge and the true hardcore mode, you can try the Mission Impossible difficulty but be prepared to try again and again before succeeding.

Wrapping up

To sum up, this is everything you need to know about how to enable Forgiving Mode in JA 3 as well as all the other gameplay settings that affect difficulty.

Optimize these settings based on your experience with strategy games and the Jagged Alliance series and you’ll be good to go.

Which difficulty settings did you go for? Have you tried the Mission Impossible difficulty at all? Feel free to share your settings and your gameplay experiences so far in the comments below.

For more similar guides to optimize your starting experience, check out our article on the best starting mercenaries in Jagged Alliance 3.


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