Dustland Delivery Cooking Recipes List

Cooking is an important part of Dustland Delivery, but since it involves a lot of trial and error, I decided to come to your aid and share some cooking recipes, so you know what ingredients to mix and what you’ll get in return.

In the game, you can cook when you set up camp in the Dustlands (the button will activate in the left side of the screen), but also inside the cities. These help keep your crew alive and you should read my guide to characters & best team in Dustland Delivery too.

The cooking/recipes list for Dustland Delivery can be checked out below although it’s not, at the moment, complete. I’m still trying new things – and probably you do too, so if you manage to find a new recipe, let us all know the details by commenting below.

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Water + Fruit = Fruit Juice (H31, S13)

Milk + Flour = Cupcake (H90, S30)

Water + Egg = Boiled Egg (H76, S21)

Fruit + Veggies = Fruit Platter (H50, S20)

Meat + Bread = Hot Dog (you can add seasonings and/or vegetables to increase its stats – it can deliver stats like H175, S65)

Fruit + Honey = Fruit Lollipops

Flour + Meat + Salt + Egg = Empanadas (201H 78S)

Any Meat + Any Seasoning = Salt Roasted Skewers
Health: 86, Stamina: 36

Coffee + Dairy + Water + Sugar/Honey = Cappuccino (H200, S75)

Note: The quality of the resulting dish can influence its stats. Also, usually adding seasonings to your dishes will increase their stats even more.

Some cooking recipes only require one ingredient (like Egg which gives Fried Egg, Seafood to get Grilled Seafood or grilling a piece of game to get Grilled Game). But if you add seasonings to these (or vegetables), the stats will increase. I will experiment more and update this list when I find more options.

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These are the recipes I know so far in Dustland Delivery. If you’ve been cooking something else, let us all know by commenting below and sharing the recipe.

Or continue reading our articles, like the My Little Terrarium guide to favorite foods of animals, the Best Games Like Unturned or the Star Ocean Game Series Listed in Order.

Calin Ciabai

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