A Player Can’t Currently Travel in BG3 – Here’s How to Fix

There are a few potentially game-breaking bugs in Baldur’s Gate 3, and one of them is related to fast travel to your camp or to different locations across the map.

The error message is usually “A player can’t currently travel,” but you can also get the “A player cannot currently travel to camp” error message in the game, and it has a similar solution.

Speaking of problems, you can also learn how to fix screen flickering issues in the game or How to Fix Baldur’s Gate 3 Crashing on Startup.

How to Fix “A Player Can’t Currently Travel” Error in Baldur’s Gate 3

BG3 a player cant fast travel

While there is no specific way to address the issue, trying one of the potential fixes below will help get past this.

Do have in mind that this error can occur in various stages of the game, and it’s not related to a specific mission, event or anything like that. Here’s what your options are:

1. Do this if you can’t fast travel outside your camp

If you’re stuck in your camp and you can’t fast travel anywhere, try clicking the unlit campfire at the center of the camp. Interacting with it will, for some reason, fix this problem in most cases.

2. Dismiss party members

Some players have had success by dismissing one or more of their party members then trying to fast travel again.

Other players managed to fix the bug by actually downing one or more of their party members, then resurrecting them.

Related reading: Baldur’s Gate 3 Hag Decision – Kill or Spare?

3. Use a different way to go to camp

The traditional way of ending the day and going to camp might be bugged (the button in the upper right side of the screen, attached to the map that we normally use).

Instead of that, though, you can use the button on the bottom right side of the screen, the one that reads “Go to Camp.” This will usually let you fast travel.

Same thing can be achieved by clicking the Leave Camp option on one of the bedrolls.

4. Load a previous save

This is probably the worst way to fix the problem, but if nothing else works… it might be the only way to do it.

Just find an older save, load it and keep playing. However, this still doesn’t guarantee that the problem won’t happen again – which makes saving constantly a good idea.

Final words

The most likely way to fix the A Player Can’t Currently Travel error in BG3 is the #1 or #2 solution shared above – either by trying to fast travel using a different method, or clicking the camp fire.

If you were in the same situation and managed to fix it some other way, do let us all know.

This problem occurs in various places, during specific missions too – and if you have data on these specific cases, it might be helpful as well.

If your problem was fixed, you can continue reading more about the game in our Baldur’s Gate 3 Spell Tier List or learn How to Romance the Drow Twins.

Calin Ciabai

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