How to Get Flour in LEGO Fortnite?

To get flour in LEGO Fortnite, you need to use a Grain Mill Craft Station, where you will first turn Wheat into Wheat Grain and the latter into Flour.

So getting flour initially in LEGO Fortnite is not easy, nor fast, as you first need to find Wheat, which doesn’t grow in the wild.

Once you do find Wheat, you can finally start cultivating it in your village and get endless amounts of it to make flower for your favorite LEGO Fortnite recipes, such as pizza, bread and more.

Step 1: Where to Find Wheat?

finding Wheat Grain in LEGO Fortnite

To get flour in the game, you first need Wheat. You can only find it as loot from random chests in abandoned buildings and camps.

There is no exact location for finding Wheat, but if you simply explore and check out the chests from the mentioned locations, you will find some Wheat sooner rather than later.

You might encounter Brutes along the way – or other enemies, so make sure to properly equip your character before leaving!

When you do, head over to your village and start cultivating it. Rinse and repeat and you will now have everything you need to make Flour.

And since we’re talking about food-items in the game, why not learn how to get Cheese in LEGO Fortnite too?

Step 2: Turn the Wheat Grain into Flour

Grain Mill LEGO Fortnite
All your flour will be made in a Grain Mill.

In order to make wheat from flour, you will first need to craft a Stone Breaker which “only” requires 35 marble and 3 Knotrood Rod.

When done, you will unlock the Grain Mill craft station in the game. To get it, you will need 20 Knotroot Rods, 20 Granite Slabs and 3 Shells.

When all of these requirements are met, you can finally get Flour in LEGO Fortnite by interacting with the Grain Mill and turning Wheat into Wheat Grains and the latter into Flour.

Final words

Getting wheat in the game is more difficult that it is in Minecraft (which is the main title we’re still comparing LEGO Fortnite with for now), but you know how to do it right now.

Basically, after getting past the exploring and finding your first Grains in random chests scattered throughout the map, you should no longer have problems crafting Wheat if you micro-manage your resources a bit.

If you want to continue learning more about LEGO Fortnite, check out our guide on how to get Iron Bars, or how to mine Obsidian.

Calin Ciabai

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