Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life – How to Upgrade Tools

There are six tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, and each of them can be upgraded up to four times.

To upgrade tools, players will need to visit Van after a certain day in the game and use their hard-earned gold.

Additionally, they’ll need to use each tool multiple times before being able to upgrade it and build friendships with specific NPCs if they want the Goddess-Tier tools.

In this guide, I will explain how to upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life to help you get the best tools as early as possible.

If you’re interested in romance instead, consider checking out our list of all romanceable characters in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

How to Upgrade Tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

How to upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

To upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, players will need to visit Van.

Each tier upgrade will become available after a certain day in the game (there’s no way to get the upgrade before that day) and will cost a certain amount of Gold per tool upgrade.

There are six tools in the game that can be upgraded and they are the following ones:

  • Hoe
  • Sickle
  • Watering Can
  • Milker
  • Clippers
  • Fishing Rod

These tools can be upgraded four times each to Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Goddess-level tools. The Camera and Brush tools cannot be upgraded at all.

Here’s what you need to upgrade each tier of tools and when it will become available:

Tool TierDay AvailableUpgrade Cost Per Tool
Bronze Tools8th day of Summer, 1st Year1,000 Gold
Silver Tools3rd day of Spring, 2nd Year10,000 Gold
Gold Tools3rd day of Spring, 3rd Year50,000 Gold
Goddess Tools1st day of Spring, 4th YearIncrease Friendship with certain NPCs & complete Bulletin Board Quests

However, other than that, each tool has its own specific requirements for upgrading it. Let’s examine them in turn.

How to Upgrade Hoe, Watering Can, and Sickle

How to upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - how to upgrade hoe, watering can, and sickle.

To upgrade the Hoe, Watering Can, and Sickle tools to Bronze, you will need to use any of them or all combined 500 times. So, you can use the Hoe 300 times, the Watering Can 100 times, and the Sickle 100 times and you’ll be able to upgrade all of them to Bronze.

For Silver, you will need to use them 2,000 times, and for Gold 4,000 times.

To get the Goddess Hoe, become close friends with Vesta and bring her a rare hybrid crop.

To get the Goddess Sickle, become close friends with Pui, give him 2,000 Gold (100 per day), and wait for his request to come up on the Bulletin Board. He will request a golden object from the dig site.

To get the Goddess Watering Can, become close friends with Romana and give her one Mellowsweet Ice Cream.

How to Upgrade Milker and Clipper

How to upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - how to upgrade milker and clipper.

To upgrade the Milker and the Clipper to Bronze, you will need to use each of them separately 25 times. For Silver, you will need to use them 250 times, and for Gold 500 times.

To get the Goddess Milker, become close friends with Tei and give him Cow Butter of SS quality. With this upgrade, you’ll be able to milk all cows in your proximity with one move.

To get the Goddess Clipper, become close friends with Kate and give her a Strawberry shortcake. This tool will allow you to get double rewards when shearing sheep.

How to Upgrade the Fishing Rod

How to upgrade tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - how to upgrade fishing rod.

To upgrade the Fishing Rod to Bronze, you will need to use catch 50 Fish. For Silver, you will need to catch 200 Fish, and for Gold 500 Fish.

To get the Goddess Fishing Rod, become close friends with Gary and give him any huge fish.

Wrapping up

To sum up, players can upgrade their tools in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life by using each tool multiple times, reaching a specific day in the calendar, and spending gold for the Bronze-Gold tiers.

For the Goddess Tier tools, they will need to befriend certain NPCs and give them an item as per their request.

What do you think about upgrading tools? Is it too complicated, or is the grind just right? Let us know in the comments below.

For more similar guides, check out how to get all animals in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.


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