Cobblemon: How to Get All Eeveelutions

Eevee is widely known, as the secondary mascot of Pokemon next to Pikachu. As such, in many fan-made mods, and games Eevee will be in the roster upon its initial release.

Cobblemon has a plethora of different Pokemon added from different generations in the game, but in today’s guide, I will go over how to get all Eeveelutions, in Cobblemon.

Eevee can be found in the wild, while five of the eight Eeveelutions can be gotten through evolution, and the other three will be in the wild and players who enjoy exploring will be able to catch them.

If you want to know more about the world of Cobblemon, and the Pokemon that inhabit it, check out our guide with the complete list of all the Pokemon, in the Minecraft Mod.

Cobblemon: How to Find Eevee


Eevee can spawn in the regular Overworld biome, at any time, during any weather condition.

The only problem is that Eevees have a very low chance to spawn, so players will need to spend some time.

Your best bet is to find a normal, grassy Overworld biome and build a small base there. Run around, and farm Apricorns to be able to make Pokeballs. Wander around and you will eventually be able to find Eevee.

If you are ever unsure of what biome you are in, simply hit the F3 key to bring up Minecraft’s internal stats. One of the readings shows your biome.

If you want to have all the Eevees independently then you will need to find and catch at least five regular Eevee. One Eevee will be kept as Eevee, and the other four will be evolved into different Eeveelutions.

Cobblemon: How to Find Vaporeon


Vaporeon was introduced way back in Generation 1 along with the other two Eeveelutions Jolteon, and Flareon. Vaporeon is a tanky, special attacker Water-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, when exposed to a Water Stone, Eevee will evolve into Vaporeon.

Water Stones can be obtained by mining Water Stone Ore. Water Stone Ore can be found primarily underground near water-related biomes, including the Ocean, River, and Swamp biomes.

Cobblemon: How to Find Jolteon


Jolteon was introduced way back in Generation 1 along with the other two Eeveelutions Vaporeon, and Flareon. Jolteon is a really fast, mixed attacker Electric-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, when exposed to a Thunder Stone, Eevee will evolve into Jolteon.

Thunder Stones can be obtained by mining Thunder Stone Ore. Thunder Stone Ore can be found primarily inside high-altitude biomes, including the Highlands and Hills biomes.

Cobblemon: How to Find Flareon


Flareon was introduced way back in Generation 1 along with the other two Eeveelutions Vaporeon, and Jolteon. Flareon is a specially bulky, attacker Fire-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, when exposed to a Fire Stone, Eevee will evolve into Flareon.

Fire Stones can be obtained by mining Fire Stone Ore. Fire Stone Ore can be found primarily underground near hot biomes, including the Desert, Thermal, and Volcanic biomes.

Cobblemon: How to Find Espeon


Espeon was introduced in the sequel of the original Pokemon game in Generation 2 along with the other Eeveelution Umbreon. Espeon is a special attacker Psychic-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, Espeon can only be found in the wild. It is considered a rare Pokemon to find so players will have to explore the areas it spawns before they find one.

Espeon can be found in the Hills biome. Try combining your trip to the Hills while looking for Espeon, with your search for Thunder Stone ore.

Cobblemon: How to Find Umbreon


Umbreon was introduced in the sequel of the original Pokemon game in Generation 2 along with the other Eeveelution Espeon. Umbreon is an extremely bulky Dark-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, Umbreon can only be found in the wild. It is considered a rare Pokemon to find so players will have to explore the areas it spawns before they find one.

Umbreon spawns exclusively in the Spooky biome, during any time and weather. So you will have to make a trip exclusively for this.

Cobblemon: How to Find Leafeon


Leafeon was introduced at the midway point of the series in Generation 4 along with the other Eeveelutions Glaceon. Leafeon is a bulky, attacker Grass-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, when exposed to a Leaf Stone, Eevee will evolve into Leafeon.

Leaf Stones can be obtained by mining Leaf Stone Ore. Leaf Stone Ore can be found primarily underground near tree-filled biomes, including Forest, Jungle, and Lush biomes.

Cobblemon: How to Find Glaceon


Glaceon was introduced at the midway point of the series in Generation 4 along with the other Eeveelutions Leafeon. Glaceon is a bulky, special attacker Ice-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, when exposed to an Ice Stone, Eevee will evolve into Glaceon.

Ice Stones can be obtained by mining Ice Stone Ore. Ice Stone Ore can be found primarily underground near cold biomes, including the Glacial, Snowy, and Tundra biomes.

Cobblemon: How to Find Sylveon


Sylveon was introduced in Generation 6 along with the Fairy typing. It also capitalized on the special features of that generation. Sylveon is a special attacker and special bulky Fairy-type Pokemon.

In Cobblemon, Sylveon can only be found in the wild. It is considered a rare Pokemon to find so players will have to explore the areas it spawns before they find one.

Sylveon spawns exclusively in the Floral biome, during any time and weather. It may be hard to find, but it is worth the effort.

Final Thoughts

Eeveelutions are my favorite Pokemon to go after in any given Pokemon game or mod. They are by far the most reliable, and beautiful companions to have along on your journey.

No matter which one you pick or if you pick a whole team with them, you will always have a great time.

If you want to know more about the basic mechanics of this game, check out our guide on how to farm more Apricorns, in Cobblemon.

With so many possible Eeveelutions in the game and so many different possible teams, you can’t go wrong. Let us know in the comments down below which Eeveelutions is your favorite, and which one you most often take with you in your adventures.


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