Skyrim: How to Cure Vampirism

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has various options for players to express themselves. From character creation when they start, to how they decide to tackle the expansive world as they enter, and later on even get their hands on the ability to transform.

Presented as diseases in the game, players will be able to contract Lycanthropy and Vampirism, and either choose to stay within this new form or chose to cure themselves of this affliction. In this guide, I will go over Vampirism basics, and how to cure it, in Skyrim.

The best way to cure Vampirism for players who play the console version of the game, or the PC version of the game, is to complete the Rising at Dawn quest. You are allowed to complete it as many times as you desire and cure yourself.

If you are looking for an interesting gameplay experience, check out our guide on how to tame a gecko, in Smalland Survive the Wilds.

Skyrim: Vampirism General Knowledge


Vampirism is a syndrome that is acquired after the disease Sanguinare Vampiris has infected the body longer than three in-game days.

Vampires acquire special magical spells as their level of infection increases. To offset this advantage, vulnerabilities to fire and sunlight are also conferred.

Vampirism comes in four stages of severity. The severity of the infection increases the longer the vampire goes without drinking blood. Sleeping NPCs can be fed on to keep the curse at bay.

Upon reaching stage four of vampirism, mortals can detect the vampire more easily, attacking or fleeing almost upon sight.

The Dawnguard DLC adds a Vampire Lord ability with eleven perks to unlock through leveling up.

The player can open up the skill tree by siding with Lord Harkon and the Volkihar Clan to help actuate the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy foretold in the Elder Scrolls.

In addition, NPCs no longer turn hostile when the player is at stage four vampirism, but they will if they are in Vampire Lord form.

This was all the general knowledge on Vampirism players will want to know beforehand, in Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Skyrim: Vampirism Effects and Spells


Stages of Vampirism

After approximately twenty-four hours without feeding, a vampire progresses through a stage. Feeding always brings the vampire back to stage one.

  • Without Dawnguard DLC: Characters become hostile toward the vampire as the infection deteriorates, attacking them on sight. 
  • With Dawnguard DLC: It removes the penalty, and people will treat a blood-starved vampire like any other person.
StageWithout DawnguardWith DawnguardSpellsAbilities
1Resist Frost: 25%
Weakness to Fire: 25%
Resist Frost: 20%
Weakness to Fire: 20%
Vampiric Drain
Vampire’s Servant
Vampire’s Sight
Champion of the Night
Nightstalker’s Footsteps
Vampiric Strength: 5 pts
Weakness to Sunlight: -15 pts
2Resist Frost: 50%
Weakness to Fire: 50%
Resist Frost: 30%
Weakness to Fire: 30%
Vampiric Drain
Vampire’s Servant
Vampire’s Sight
Vampire’s Seduction
Champion of the Night
Nightstalker’s Footsteps
Vampiric Strength: 10 pts
Weakness to Sunlight: -30 pts
3Resist Frost: 75%
Weakness to Fire: 75%
Resist Frost: 40%
Weakness to Fire: 40%
Vampiric Drain
Vampire’s Servant
Vampire’s Sight
Vampire’s Seduction
Champion of the Night
Nightstalker’s Footsteps
Vampiric Strength: 15 pts
Weakness to Sunlight: -45 pts
4Resist Frost: 100%
Weakness to Fire: 100%
Resist Frost: 50%
Weakness to Fire: 50%
Vampiric Drain
Vampire’s Servant
Vampire’s Sight
Vampire’s Seduction
Embrace of Shadows
Champion of the Night
Nightstalker’s Footsteps
Vampiric Strength: 20 pts
Weakness to Sunlight: -60 pts

Effects Across All Stages

These effects exist across all stages of infection and are perpetually active.

  • Weakness to Sunlight – Health, Magicka, and Stamina do not recover in sunlight. Each stat is stunted, as well, which increases with the severity of the infection. The skin appears to slowly burn as time is spent in sunlight.
    • Sunlight is encountered outdoors during the day between 5 am and 7 pm. Because of this, vampires move more easily at night. Equipping apparel that grants a faster regeneration percentage on any of the three main stats, using the Lady Stone, or taking a perk that grants faster regeneration allows stat recovery regardless of one’s weakness to sunlight.
    • With the addition of Dawnguard, it is possible to nullify the effects of the sun for a day, by using Auriel’s Bow to shoot Bloodcursed Elven Arrows at it.
    • This does not affect the player while in Apocrypha or the Soul Cairn, as the sun does not appear in these locations even during the day.
  • Resist Disease – The Dragonborn’s vampiric blood gives them 100% resistance to disease.
  • Resist Poison – The Dragonborn’s vampiric blood gives them 100% resistance to poison.
  • Nightstalker’s Footsteps – Vampires are 25% harder to detect while sneaking.
  • Champion of the Night – Illusion spells cast by a vampire are 25% more powerful.

Spells Across All Stages

While there are three basic spells all Vampires have, and as the stages progress you will gain two additional ones.

  • Vampiric Drain: Absorb X points of health per second from the target. Functions as a novice-level Destruction spell whose magnitude and duration increase with the severity of the infection.
    • With Dawnguard installed, it can also drain Magicka and Stamina.
  • Vampire’s Servant: Reanimate a dead body to fight for the vampire for 60 seconds. The spell is limited to one cast per day. Improves along with the severity of the infection.
  • Vampire’s Sight: Improve night vision for a limited duration. It can be used multiple times a day and can be toggled on and off.
  • Vampire’s Seduction: Creatures and people are calmed for a limited duration once per day. Acquired at stage two of vampirism.
    • With Dawnguard installed, targets can be used for vampiric feeding.
  • Embrace of Shadows: The vampire becomes invisible, with night vision for 180 seconds. Can only be used once per day, and interacting with anything will remove the invisibility as per usual. Acquired at stage four of vampirism.

These are all the effects and spells players will have access to once they obtain their Vampire powers, in Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Skyrim: How to Cure Vampirism


There are a few different ways for players to cure Vampirism, in the Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. There is also one way, that is exclusive to PC players.

So how does a player go about curing themselves of Vampirism?

  • Sanguinare Vampiris can be cured by gaining any blessing from any shrine. Once a player obtains a blessing, it will remove all diseases and replaces the previous blessings. This will not work, however, if you have already exceeded the three-day limit.
  • Completing the repeatable quest “Rising at Dawn” removes Vampirism at the cost of a filled Black Soul Gem.
  • Potions of Cure Disease purchased from alchemists, such as Arcadia and Babette, revoke the effects of the disease. However, the potion must be taken before the disease starts to manifest.
  • Acquiring Lycanthropy naturally removes the infection. Vice Versa, acquiring Vampirism cures you of Lycanthropy.

If you are playing the game on PC, you have the option to cure Vampirism through the console.

  • Type, “setstage 000EAFD5 10” into the console. By using the console command code “showracemenu” to change the player’s race, vampirism is also immediately removed. This is true of the “changesex” command as well. You should be careful when changing your race because it can mess up your stats and changing your sex can possibly break things like NPCs referring to you as a man when you are now a woman or the opposite.

These were all the ways players can utilize to cure themselves of Vampirism, in Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.


In conclusion, these were the ways on how to cure Vampirism, as well as some basic knowledge to have, in Skyrim.

An interesting mechanic in the game, later on, expanded by DLC. With the knowledge that you can cure yourself at any point, it is worth at least trying once for all players.

Skyrim has a lot of ways to surprise players, with all the things you can do, so go out and try everything you can possibly enjoy to try.

If you are interested in a hide-and-seek game, with fun mechanics, check out our guide on the best hiding spots, in Midnight Ghost Hunt.

Let us know in the comments down below how you feel about being a Vampire, and if you prefer them over Werewolves as a choice.


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