Roblox Chainsaw Man Devil’s Heart: How to Become a Hybrid

When Chainsaw Man was originally released and blew up the anime scene. With so much hype surrounding the anime, Roblox seized the opportunity and created a game based on it.

While there are many things a player can do in the game while playing, you will want to prioritize the ability to turn your character into a hybrid.

In this guide I will go over all the steps you will need to follow, so you can turn into a hybrid, in Roblox Chainsaw Man Devil’s Heart.

The first thing you will need to do is find the Devil’s Heart and 10.000¥. After that, visit the nurse in the Hospital to obtain the Hybrid power.

If you are interested in more anime-inspired Roblox games, check out our guide on Roblox Fruits and which are the best swords in the game, for your own One Piece experience.

How to get the Devil Heart


Since its inspiration stems from the anime Chainsaw Man, the game contains several gameplay elements, concepts, and storylines found in the original source material.

One of those elements from the anime, that most players go after during the initial part of their adventure is the Devil’s Heart.

The Devil’s Heart will allow the players to transform from their current form into a hybrid one. Once you become a hybrid, you will get gain new fighting skills and upgrade your overall power.

Some of the other anime-inspired Roblox games have items like this in a specific location or a hidden spot, but the Devil’s Heart is completely based on RNG.

In the current version of the game, the Devil’s Heart has a 50% chance to appear server wide every hour.

This is the first step to becoming a hybrid, on Roblox Chainsaw Man Devil’s Heart.

If you want a more detailed guide on the most common location to find the Devil’s Heart, check out our guide on it.

Where to Find the Nurse


The Nurse is a stationary NPC, that will always stay at the reception desk in the Hospital.

To find the Hospital you will need to travel to the northern district from the Game Mash building.

Once you have both the Devil’s Heart and 10.000 Yen in your inventory, you can visit the Nurse NPC.

Talk to her, and you will be given the option to choose from one out of two Hybrid forms.

  • Chainsaw Man
  • Katana Man

Pick your favorite, and go around exploring around, showing off your hybrid abilities.

This was the second and final step in obtaining your Hybrid form in Roblox Chainsaw Man Devil’s Heart.

Speaking of hidden locations and overpowered items, check out our guide on how to find Mirage Island in Roblox Fruits.


In conclusion, these have been all the steps you will need to follow to become a hybrid in Roblox Chainsaw Man Devil’s Heart.

Follow the steps listed above and become a force to be reckoned with, with your new Hybrid form, and the abilities you unlock.

Show off your strength while fighting the bosses and explore the world created based on the anime, you watched or heard about.

If you have an itch for more Roblox, check out our guide on Roblox Project Slayers, and the best breathing in the game, for more anime-inspired content.

Let us know in the comments down below which Hybrid form will you be choosing, and what form are you interested in seeing in the game.


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