Stardew Valley Void Salmon Guide: Everything You Need to Know

We’re continuing our series of guides related to fishing in Stardew Valley and today we’re talking about a really interesting fish you can catch in the game: the Void Salmon.

This is a rare fish that is difficult to catch – although not as difficult as other legendaries out there, such as the Crimsonfish.

But since it’s one of the most special fish in the game, it deserves an article where you can learn everything about it.

How Do You Catch a Void Salmon in Stardew Valley?

void salmon caught

The Void Salmon a fish that can only be found in the witch’s swamp through the cave beside the train platform. This means that you can catch the Void Salmon in any season and on any type of weather. But it still won’t be easy!

Fortunately, as long as you get the location right, nothing else matters and you will eventually get this fish.

Have in mind that the Witch’s Swamp will only become accessible in-game after you complete the quest “Dark Talisman” which is obtained from the Wizard. It is a special location, similar to The Sewers.

But once you get access to the Witch’s Swamp, you can return whenever you want. And that’s a good thing, because capturing the fish will require some grinding.

How much does the Void Salmon Cost?

The Void Salmon can be sold at a base price of 150g. Silver quality will net you 180g, while Gold quality will be 225g.

This fish will vary in size from 24-66 inches. 

Healing effect of the Void salmon

If you are looking to use this fish to boost yourself, then you should know that it will give you 63 energy and 28 health when you consume it. This is for the regular fish.

The better the quality of the fish you have caught, the higher the amounts of energy and health that you will receive.

How Do You Get Gold Star Void Salmon (and Iridium Star One)?

To get other gold and iridium stars Void Salmon in Stardew Valley, you need to fish from the right spot.

The best spot is to the South-East of the Witch’s hut door. Simply go down and right all the way to the first corner, just below the tile with some red spots on it, above the one with a tiny hole. It also has a huge tree in front.

void salmon best location

That’s where you need to be to increase your chances of catching a Gold Star Void Salmon or an Iridium one.

Make sure to cast as far out to the right as possible, to get a Perfect Cast too – this increases your chances of getting an Iridium star one to maximum!

A higher fishing level will help for casting distance, but you’ll want to do this in combination with standing in the right spot in order to increase your chances of catching a rarer fish.

And, of course, you should use bait. Make sure to read my previous guide on how to use bait in Stardew Valley.


The Void Salmon is a good fish to catch in the game, especially if you use my tips above and aim to always get a Gold or Iridium star one.

Not only that they can be sold for a nice chunk of money, but they also give you a lot of energy and health if you consume them.

If you still have questions about this rare fish, let me know by posting below in the comments section.

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